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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LC40.M66 1988 Home school burnout : what it is, what causes it, and how to cure it. Moore, Raymond S. OUT
Book LC4001.M5M31 2006 A Caroline Island cultural perspective on disability : a compilation of information and activities from sources and documents relating to the history of education (including special education) in the Federated States of Micronesia. Mangefel, John A. IN
Book LC4015.B726 1990 Students with severe disabilities : current perspectives and practices. Brimer, Richard W. OUT
Book LC4015.C69 2007 Moderate and severe disabilities : a foundation approach. Collins, Belva C. IN
Book LC4015.M38 2002 Teaching students with special needs in the 21st century classroom. Mayberry, Sally Cox, 1937- IN
Book LC4015.S73 1982 Teaching mainstreamed students. Stephens, Thomas M. IN
Book LC4015.S676 1984 Special education and social interests. IN
Book LC4019.2.P67 2002 Educating young children with special needs. Porter, Louise, 1958- IN
Book LC4019.3.C45 2002 Children with special needs : lessons for early childhood professionals. IN
Book LC4019.3.V47 2001 Very young children with special needs : a formative approach for the twenty-first century. IN
Book LC4019.B16 1988 Handicapped children in developing countries : assessment, curricula and instruction. Baine, David. IN
Book LC4019.C575 2000 Contemporary special education research : syntheses of the knowledge base on critical instructional issues. IN
Book LC4019.H19 1980 Handbook of vocational special needs education. IN
Book LC4019.H19 2006 Identifying children with special needs : checklists and action plans for teachers. Hannell, Glynis. IN
Book LC4019.I57S245 1984 Introduction to special education. Ysseldyke, James E. IN
Book LC4019.J64 2007 Assistive technology : access for all students. Johnston, Linda IN
Book LC4019.N315 2002 Successful educators : a practical guide for understanding children's learning problems and mental health issues. Naparstek, Nathan. IN
Book LC4019.T65 1982 A sociology of special education. Tomlinson, Sally. IN
Book LC4019.W66 1992 Adapting instruction for mainstreamed and at-risk students. Wood, Judy W. IN
Book LC4028.D69 1999 Teaching communication skills to students with severe disabilities. Downing, June, 1950- IN
Book LC4028.D85 2001 Improving literacy skills for children with special educational needs : a guide to helping in the early and primary years. Duncan, Heather, 1953- IN
Book LC4028.K44 1996 Label-free learning : supporting learners with disabilities. Keefe, Charlotte Hendrick, 1949- IN
Book LC4028.L84 2001 A survey of communication disorders for the classroom teacher. Lue, Martha Scott. IN
Book LC4028.R34 1988 Language arts, detecting and correcting special needs. Rakes, Thomas A. IN
Book LC4028.T87 2000 Children's literature for the primary inclusive classroom. Turner, Nancy D'Isa. IN
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