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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HC79.E5E173 1995 The Earthscan reader in sustainable development. IN
Book HC79.E5 E5772 2000 Sustainable economies. IN
Book HC79.E5G17 2006 Inspiring progress : religions' contributions to sustainable development. Gardner, Gary T., 1958- IN
Book HC79.E5H31413 2009 Feeding the planet : environmental protection through sustainable agriculture. Hahlbrock, Klaus. IN
Book HC79.E5M452 2008 Environmental issues : an Introduction to Sustainability. McConnell, Robert L. IN
Book HC79.E5R447 1995 Sustainable development : an introductory guide. Reid, David. IN
Book HC79.E5T525 1992 Environmental and natural resource economics. Tietenberg, Thomas H. IN
Book HC79.I55D69 2009 The laws of disruption : harnessing the new forces that govern life and business in the digital age. Downes, Larry, 1959. IN
Book HC79.I55L83 2008 Inside the future : surviving the technology revolution. Lucas, Henry C. OUT
Book HC79.P6C69 2007 The bottom billion : why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it. Collier, Paul. IN
Book HC800.P76 1986 Problems of Africa : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HC800.W48 1988 How can Africa survive?. Whitaker, Jennifer Seymour, 1938- IN
Book HC960.K55 1990 Tropical gangsters. Klitgaard, Robert E. IN
Book HD108.3.D46 2008 Geosphere : the land and its uses. Desonie, Dana. IN
Book HD1339.P6L67 2002 Peasants in the hills : a study of the dynamics of social change among the Buhid swidden cultivators in the Philippines. Gonzaga, Violeta B. Lopez- IN
Book HD1375.G335 1995 Real estate fundamentals. Gaddy, Wade E. IN
Book HD1375.H63 1987 Real estate wealth building opportunities. Hoelscher, Russ von. OUT
Mixed HD1393.25P72 1996 Business valuation videocourse. Pratt, Shannon P. IN
Book HD1415.I68 2010 Introduction to agricultural economics. OUT
Book HD1437.B37 2012 Financial management in agriculture. Barry, Peter J. OUT
Book HD1492.S65C66 1986 The harvest of sorrow : Soviet collectivization and the terror-famine. Conquest, Robert. IN
Book HD1698.J32O375 1988 Water and survival in an island environment : challenge of Okinawa. Miwa, Nobuya. IN
Book HD1739.A17R45 1993 Cadillac desert : the American West and its disappearing water. Reisner, Marc. IN
Book HD2056.P76S474 1985 Productivity measurement and analysis. Shen, George C. IN
Book HD2097.W18 2007 The road to a new countryside. Wang, Tai. IN
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