View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU21.C182 1882a
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.DU19.B4 The exploration of the Pacific,. Beaglehole, J. C. (John Cawte) IN
 5 Pac.DU19.B962
Book Pac.DU19.D3 They peopled the Pacific,. Day, A. Grove (Arthur Grove), 1904- IN
Book Pac.DU19.D6 1971 Beyond the capes; Pacific exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger, 1776-1877,. Dodge, Ernest Stanley. IN
Book Pac.DU19.D8 1969 French explorers in the Pacific. Dunmore, John, 1923- IN
 2 Pac.DU19.D28
 2 Pac.DU19.D63
 2 Pac.DU19.D78 1991 c.1
Book Pac.DU19.P3 1973 Pacific voyages. IN
Book Pac.DU19.P64 Discovery under the southern cross. Poignant, Roslyn. IN
 4 Pac.DU19.R3
 2 Pac.DU19.R5 1971
 3 Pac.DU19.R23
 4 Pac.DU19.S48 1960
 5 Pac.DU19.V3 1940
Book Pac.DU20.G46 1968 Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788. With views of the islands discovered. Gilbert, Thomas. IN
Book Pac.DU20.L72 Pacific horizons, the exploration of the Pacific before Captain Cook,. Lloyd, Christopher. IN
 2 Pac.DU20.S3 1960
Book Pac.DU20.S5 1957 Ancient voyagers in the Pacific. Sharp, Andrew. IN
Book Pac. DU20 V69 1999 Voyages and beaches : Pacific encounters, 1769-1840. Calder, Alex IN
Book Pac.DU20.W77 A missionary voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, 1796-1798. Wilson, William, Chief Mate of the Ship Duff. IN
Book Pac.DU21.B45W52 2007 Whales in the South Pacific. IN
Book Pac.DU21.B62 1967 A voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the breadfruit tree to the West Indies in His Majesty's ship the Bounty, commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh, including an account of mutiny on board the said ship and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew in the ship's boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. Bligh, William, 1754-1817 IN
 3 Pac.DU21.C53
 3 Pac.DU21.C55 1971b
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