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  Call Number Title Author Status
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:462 The Atalantic gall crabs, family Cryptochiridae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Kropp, Roy K. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:463 Late holocene fossil vertebrates from Burma Quarry, Antigua, Lesser Antilles. IN
Serial Gov.SI1.27:465 The Indo-Pacific blenniid fish genus Ecsenius. Springer, Victor Gruschka, 1928- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:466 The caridean shrimps (Crustacea--Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. Chase, Fenner Albert IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:467 Bathyal and abyssal myodocopid ostracoda of the Bay of Biscay and vicinity. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:468 Pycnogonida of the western Pacific Islands, III : recent Smithsonian-Philippine expeditions. Child, C. Allan IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:469 Fossil birds from late Quaternary deposits in New Caledonia. Balouet, Jean Christophe. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:470 New Ostracoda (Halocyprida, Thaumatocyprididae and halocyprididae) from anchialine caves in the Bahamas, Palau, and Mexico. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:471 A phylogenetic study of the neotropical characiform family Curimatidae (Pisces : Ostariophysi). Vari, Richard P. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:472 Studies of neotropical caddisflies, XXXIX : the genus Smicridea in the Chilean subregion (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Flint, Oliver S. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:473 The Pinnixa cristata complex in the western Atalantic, with a description of two new species (Crustacea, Dcapoda, Pinnotheridae). Manning, Raymond B., 1934- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:474 Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Curimata Bosc (Pisces. Characiforms). Vari, Richard P. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:475 Ostracoda (Myodocopina, Cladocopina, Halocypridina) mainly from Anchialine Caves in Bermuda. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:476 Revised list of North American freshwater Planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola). Kenk, Roman IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:481 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Psectrogaster Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Pisces: Characiformes) / Richard P. Vari. Vari, Richard P. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:482 The decapod crustaceans of the panama Canal. Abele, Lawrence G. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:494 A catalog and review of immature Apoidea (Hymenoptera). McGinley, Ronald J. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:511 Demography and natural history of the common fruit bat, Artibeus jamaicensis, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. OUT
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:512 Pycnogonida from waters adjacent to Japan. Nakamura, Koichiro. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:513 "Larval" and juvenile cephalopods : a manual for their identification. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:514 Catalog of the type specimens of stony corals (Milleporidae, Stylasteridae, Scleractinia) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institition / Stephen D. Cairns. Cairns, Stephen D. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:515 Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XIX : natural history notes in several families (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae, Vespidae, Pompilidae, and Crabonidae). Krombein, Karl V. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:516 Myodocopid Ostracoda of hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:518 Phylogenetic relationships of hedgehogs and gymnures (Mammalia, Insectivora, Erinaceidae). Frost, Darrel R. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:519 Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural Hisotry, Smithsonian Insitution,. National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) IN
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