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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LC3981.O3 2007 Multicultural special education : culturally responsive teaching. Obiakor, Festus E. IN
Book LC3981.P54 2001 What every teacher should know about students with special needs : promoting success in the classroom. Pierangelo, Roger. IN
Book LC3981.S33 2001 Special education : a reference handbook. Sacks, Arlene. IN
Book LC3981.T384 2000 Parental involvement : a practical guide for collaboration and teamwork for students with disabilities. Taylor, George R. IN
Book LC3981.V28 2003 Teaching exceptional, diverse, and at-risk students in the general education classroom. Vaughn, Sharon, 1952- IN
Book LC3981.V46 1997 Teaching mainstreamed, diverse, and at-risk students in the general education classroom. Vaughn, Sharon, 1952- IN
Book LC3981.W37 2007 Fundamentals of special education : what every teacher needs to know. Werts, Margaret G. IN
Book LC3981.W585 2009 From integration to inclusion: a history of special education in the 20th century. Winzer, M.A. (Margaret A), 1940- IN
Book LC3986.G7F24 2008 Educating special children : an introduction to provision for pupils with disabilities and disorders. Farrell, Michael, 1948- OUT
Book LC3986.G7W35 2003 Special needs and early years : a practitioner's guide. Wall, Kate. IN
Book LC3987.P6I2 2007 Introduction to special education : a textbook for college students. OUT
Book LC3989.L36 1995 All children are special : creating an inclusive classroom. Lang, Greg. IN
Book LC3993.218.S68 1997 Teaching young gifted children in the regular classroom : identifying, nurturing, and challenging ages 4-9. Smutny, Joan F. IN
Book LC40.M66 1988 Home school burnout : what it is, what causes it, and how to cure it. Moore, Raymond S. OUT
Book LC4001.M5M31 2006 A Caroline Island cultural perspective on disability : a compilation of information and activities from sources and documents relating to the history of education (including special education) in the Federated States of Micronesia. Mangefel, John A. IN
Book LC4015.B726 1990 Students with severe disabilities : current perspectives and practices. Brimer, Richard W. OUT
Book LC4015.C69 2007 Moderate and severe disabilities : a foundation approach. Collins, Belva C. IN
Book LC4015.M38 2002 Teaching students with special needs in the 21st century classroom. Mayberry, Sally Cox, 1937- IN
Book LC4015.S73 1982 Teaching mainstreamed students. Stephens, Thomas M. IN
Book LC4015.S676 1984 Special education and social interests. IN
Book LC4019.2.P67 2002 Educating young children with special needs. Porter, Louise, 1958- IN
Book LC4019.3.C45 2002 Children with special needs : lessons for early childhood professionals. IN
Book LC4019.3.V47 2001 Very young children with special needs : a formative approach for the twenty-first century. IN
Book LC4019.B16 1988 Handicapped children in developing countries : assessment, curricula and instruction. Baine, David. IN
Book LC4019.C575 2000 Contemporary special education research : syntheses of the knowledge base on critical instructional issues. IN
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