View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0470.99e Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF.1309 Pac. Subsistence hunting of marine turtles in Papua New Guinea. Spring, C. Sylvia IN
Mixed VerF.1311 Pac. Paleoenvironmental evidence for early human settlemen in Palau : the Ngerchau core. Athens, J. Stephen IN
Mixed VerF.1312 Pac. History in the national park of American Samoa: field methods and archaeological approach. Suafo'a, Epifania IN
Mixed VerF.1313 Pac. Foreign fishing agreement between the Micronesian Maritime Authority and Micronesia fishing Venture Incorporated. Micronesia (Federated States). IN
Mixed VerF.1314 Pac. Presidents of the Republic of Palau. IN
Mixed VerF.1316 Pac. The failure of leadership in the public schools and implications for higher education. James, Spensin IN
Mixed VerF.1317 Pac. Status of free association agreements with Micronesian states. IN
Mixed VerF.1320 Pac. Congressional Act No.15-63. IN
Mixed VerF.1321 Pac. Pandanus leaves punder project. Mote, Terry L. IN
Mixed VerF.1322 Pac. Luther Halsey Gulick. IN
Serial VerF.1323 Pac. Navigation with Mau Pialug. IN
Book VerF 1449 Pac. Diagrammatic Icons and Historical Processes in Belau. Parmentier, Richard J IN
Mixed VerF 7306.71 Pac. Pawn in the Pacific. Smith, Donald F. IN
 5 VerF0924.2002? Pac.
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. c.2 Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. c.3 Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. c.4 Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. c.5 Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
Mixed VerF0925.2002 Pac. c.6 Pacific child : family and community involvement at Awak Elementary School. Mauricio, Rod IN
 3 VerF0928.2002 Pac.
 4 VerF0932.2002 Pac.
 2 VerF0933 Pac.
 3 VerF0933.81 Pac.
Serial VerF0934.94 Pac. The challenge of Pacific communications : PEACESAT. IN
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