View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.D767.92.W3
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.DU29.B83 1982
Book Pac.DU29.B355 1987 The Pacific countries and Soviet interests. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- IN
 2 Pac.DU29.C52 1970
Book Pac.DU29.D6 L'homme dans le Pacifique Sud ; etude geographie. Doumengei, Francisco. IN
 2 Pac.DU29.F3
Book Pac.DU29.F6 1917 The new Pacific : British policy and German aims. Fletcher, Charles Brunsdon, 1959- IN
Book Pac.DU29.F53 1993 Fifth Post-Forum Dialogue Partners Meeting Nauru 12-13 August, 1993 : summary record. IN
 2 Pac.DU29.F57 1993
 2 Pac.DU29.F65 1970
 24 Pac.DU29.F67 1995
 2 Pac.DU29.F75 1951
Book Pac.DU29.F678 1994 Forum Officials Committee 1994 Work Programme and Budget session Forum Secretariat Headquaters, Suva 28-30 November 1994: agreed record. IN
Book Pac.DU29.G38 1941 The fight for the Pacific,. Gayn, Mark. IN
 2 Pac.DU29.H4
 3 Pac.DU29.H38
Book Pac.DU29.H67 1936 Pacific relations; the races and nations of the Pacific area and their problems,. Hoffmann, Walter Gailey. IN
Book Pac. DU29.H468 1984 The future of South Pacific regionalism. Herr, R. A. (Richard A.) IN
Book Pac.DU29.I58 2008 Intervention and state-building in the Pacific : the legitimacy of "co-operative intervention". IN
 2 Pac.DU29.I534 1995
 2 Pac.DU29.M15
Book Pac.DU29.M25 1933 Pacific peril or menace of Japan's mandated islands. Marks, E. George. IN
Book Pac.DU29.M28 1963 The great powers in the Pacific,. Morrell, W. P. (William Parker), 1899- IN
Book Pac.DU29.M823 1964 Down under in the wake of Captain Cook. Moore, Ruth IN
Book Pac.DU29.O25Y1 1938 A study of archipelagos of the South Seas. Yanaihara, Tadao. IN
Book Pac.DU29.P3 1917 The Pacific ocean in history : papers and addresses presented at the Panama-Pacific Historical Congress, held at San Francisco, Berkeley and Palo Alto, California, July 19-23, 1915/. OUT
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