View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. LB2285.P32P334 1997a
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.LB3605.C42 Student services in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : an evaluative report and proposal. Chumbley, R. IN
Book Pac.LB3609.T5 The social adjustment of overseas-educated Micronesians. Thompson, David M. IN
Book Pac.LC45.8.O3R26 1999 Regional seminar on Non-Formal Education : summary record. IN
Book Pac.LC66.P75 The rate of return on investment in education at the regional level; estimates for the State of Hawaii. Psacharopoulos, George. IN
Book Pac.LC71.J37 1988 Basic PECC documents. Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. (PECC VI : 1988 : Osaka). IN
 2 Pac.LC71.2.F31 1996 c.2
Book Pac.LC71.2.P33 1974 Pacific Area consortium in facilitating imporved communication (PACIFIC) : application and proposal for continuation of grant for special programts and projects, (Tilte III, ESEA), submitted to U.S. Office of Education. IN
Book Pac.LC89.E25G68 2005 Supplemental education grant plan : fiscal year 2005. Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.LC96.T56 no.74 Educational aspects of community development. Thomson, R. IN
Book Pac.LC96.9.M5M58 1982 Ponape State special education proposal for fiscal year 1982. Micronesia (Federated States) State of Ponape. Office of the Director of Education. IN
Book Pac.LC96.95.M5M58 2000 Strategic plan for Pohnpei State Department of Education: resulting from information obtain[sic] from the National Education Summit and staff contribution. Micronesia (Federated States). Pohnpei State Department of Education. IN
Book Pac.LC96.95.M625P64 1999 Advisory council annual report : Special Education-SEPPIE grant school year 1998-1999/. Pohnpei State. Department of Education. IN
Book Pac.LC96.96.M5F31 Federated States of Micronesia education reform strategy (FSMERS): to provide equal opprtunities to the approximately 35,000 students in the FSM in attaining appropriate quality learning/. IN
Book Pac.LC96.96.P33 1994 Population education : a manual for teacher-training colleges in the Pacific. IN
Book Pac.LC96.97.Y3Y37 2009 Yap State school system : five year strategic plan objective indicator development and operational objective prioritization: activation an approach for fy 2010. Yap State (Micronesia). Department of Education. IN
Book Pac.LC97.M5P39 Interim progress report : energy extension service. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Planning and Statistics. IN
Book Pac.LC145.S6S9 1974 Sub-Regional planning conference on out-of-school youth, (Suva, Fiji, 4-13 November 1974) : report. Sub-Regional Planning Conference on Out-of-School Youth (1974 : Suva, Fiji) IN
 2 Pac. LC149.N4 no.114
 6 Pac.LC149.P7B49 1999
Book Pac.LC160.M5S6 1956 Literacy promotion in an underdeveloped area. Smith, Alfred Goud, 1921- IN
Book Pac.LC160.O25B27 2007 The basics of learning : Literacy and numeracy in the Pacific. IN
Book Pac.LC160.T34 1981 Education & change: conference proceedings. Third Annual Conference of the National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education (1981: Honolulu, Hawaii). IN
Book Pac.LC191.8.P26E38 1985 Education and social stratification in Papua, New Guinea. IN
Book Pac.LC191.94.R53 Management for mid-level managers and staff of the Department of Education in the Federated States of Micronesia : module A: managing for improved educational perfromenace. Rice, Howard IN
Book Pac.LC191.94.T43 2003. Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant Program (TQEG) : Training module. IN
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