View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0470.99e Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0483.78 Pac Amendment to Order 2918 effecting legislative and fiscal separation of the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Central Districts of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Van Cleve, Ruth G., IN
Mixed VerF 0485.99 Pac Report on Western Islands, Chuuk State trip : rapid assessmant on damaged taro and other crops. Jarvier, Flordeliza B. IN
 2 VerF 0486.87 Pac
Mixed VerF 0487.92 Pac Operating policies at the Micronesian Area Research Center University of Guam. Micronesian Area Research Center. IN
Mixed VerF 0489.69 Pac Micronesia : a slumbering giant awakens. Brown, Joe. IN
Mixed VerF 0490 Pac Palauan money : some preliminary comments on material and origins. Force, Roland W. IN
Mixed VerF 0491.63 Pac Some aspects of canoe and house construction on Truk. LeBar, Frank M. IN
Book VerF 0492.48 Pac New light on the peoples of Micronesia. Murdock, George Peter, 1897- IN
Book VerF 0493.52 Pac. From value to ethos on Ifaluk Atoll. Burrows, Edwin G. (Edwin Grant), 1891-1958. IN
Mixed VerF 0494.96 Pac Pohnpei island's complex culture. Beeh, Peter. IN
Mixed VerF 0495.89 Pac Magellan's landfall in the Mariana Islands. Rogers, Robert F. IN
Mixed VerF 0496.92 Pac. Conflict management by Micronesian women : a strategy for progress. Souder, Laura M. Torres. IN
 3 VerF 0497.99 Pac
Mixed VerF 0498.99 Pac The Pacific potion : an herbal tranquilizer is poised to become a supplement superstar. Can kava calm your nerves?. Fraser, Laura. IN
Mixed VerF 0499.94 Pac. Kava dermopathy. Norton, Scott A. IN
Mixed VerF 0499.98 Pac Telemedicine in Micronesia. Norton, Scott A. IN
Mixed VerF 0501.98 Pac Strengthening health information and surveillance systems in the Federated States of Micronesia. Elymore, Amato. IN
Mixed VerF 0502.91 Pac. Pohnpei State broiler project. Moffatt, Bruce W. IN
Mixed VerF 0503.96 Pac Eram's church (bell) : local appropriation of Catholicism on Ettal. Peter, Joakim Manniwel. IN
Mixed VerF 0504.1901 Pac. Einige ergebnisse einer reise nach den Karolinen und Marianen. Volkens, G. IN
Mixed VerF 0505 Pac Castration. Akira, Matsumura. IN
Mixed VerF 0506.44 Pac Concerning the fingerprints of Ponapeans, Europeans, and mixed-lineage persons. Shinozaki, Nobuo. IN
Mixed VerF 0507.88 Pac Elections, compact, and assassination in the Republic of Palau. Shuster, Donald R. IN
Mixed VerF 0508.65 Pac Problems on relocation of Kutu Islanders : review and comments. IN
Mixed VerF 0509.85 Pac Micronesia and the nuclear Pacific since Hiroshima. Weisgall, Jonathan M. IN
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