View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HT395.T7T69
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HT391.I82 1968 Ecologic-economic analysis for regional development; some initial explorations with particular reference to recreational resource use and environmental planning. Isard, Walter. IN
Book Pac.HT391.S935M11 1991 The Hawaii ocean resources manangement program : policy planning and inter-agency coordination. Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management (7th : 1991 : Long Beach, Calif.) IN
Book Pac.HT395.A53A53 American Samoa coastal management program and draft environmental impact statement. IN
Book Pac.HT395.A76W63 1979 Proceedings of the Workshop on Coastal Area Development and Management in Asia and the Pacific, Manila, Philippines, 3 to 12 December 1979. Workshop on Coastal Area Development and Management in Asia and the Pacific (1979 : Manila, Philippines) IN
Book Pac. HT395 A53 A532 United States Department of Commerce final environmental impact statement and proposed coastal management program for the Territory of American Samoa. National Ocean Survey. Office of Coastal Zone Management. IN
 2 Pac.HT395.C58P33
Book Pac.HT395.G8G82 1981 Guam inventory of planning information. Guam. Bureau of Planning. IN
 6 Pac. HT395 G8 G835
 2 Pac. HT395 G85 1977
Book Pac.HT395.J3N86 1994 Assessment of coastal vulnerability and resilience to sea-level rise and climate change : case study: Yasawa Islands, Fiji. Phase 2: Development of Methodology. Nunn, P.D. IN
 2 Pac.HT395.K6E3 1970
 5 Pac.HT395.K8C67 1997
 2 Pac. HT395 K8 A89
 2 Pac.HT395.M5H56
 2 Pac.HT395.M35D434 1990.
 6 Pac.HT395.M653T73 1968
 3 Pac.HT395.O3C63 1999
 3 Pac.HT395.O45S83 1994
 3 Pac.HT395 O3 S68 1987
Book Pac. HT395 .P3 K34 1995 Land use inventory of Babeldaob. Kadoi, Augustus. IN
 3 Pac.HT395.P7B74 1990
Book Pac. HT395 P34 U58 Ocean issues : hearings before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, second session, on reauthorization of the Coastal Zone Management Act, hard mineral resources in the exclusive economic zone, fisheries issues, and extension of the territorial sea, January 8, 9, 1990--Honolulu, HI. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. IN
Book Pac.HT395 R6T7 Rota master plan. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works. Planning Division. IN
 2 Pac.HT395.S65 1967
Book Pac.HT395.S69 1990 A preliminary land use and facilities inventory and evaluation of the Micronesian Occupational College. Snyder, Jennifer. IN
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