View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC687M5T78 1977
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.HD1129.P3A13
Book Pac.HD1129.P6P6 1977 Ponape Distirct Commission : a career education curriculum development booklet. IN
 10 Pac.HD1129.P7L35 1977
Book Pac.HD1129.P33 Lease agreement Moen Island,Truk District. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. IN
 3 Pac.HD1129.S6L3
 4 Pac.HD1129.T5S35
Book Pac. HD1129.T6L35 1986 Eniwinsefanin fonuen mun ngeni districts : an Merkia anapanap ren eniwinsefanin fonuen mun ngeni districts. IN
 14 Pac.HD1129.T7L3 1969
 2 Pac.HD1129.T8S86
 9 Pac.HD1129.T65R4 1977
Book Pac. HD1129 T7 A2 c.4 Land tenure patterns, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a handbook series. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Staff Anthropologist. IN
 2 Pac.HD1129.Y3D34 1966
Book Pac.HD1131.L36 1990 Land is life : towards a just sharing of land : report and papers of an LWF consultation, Baguio City, the Philippines, April 1989. IN
 7 Pac.HD1131.P7T78
Book Pac.HD1131.Y43 1969 Year 1943 Ministry of Colonies, South Sea Government, Special account: Government properties in the mandated area land, buildings, others. IN
Book Pac.HD1171.E5 Homesteading on Ponape : a study and analysis of a resettlement program of the United States Trust Territory Government in Micronesia. Emerick, Richard Gibbs IN
Book Pac.HD1171.H394 1975 Rules of practice and procedure and district regulations. Hawaii. State Land Use Commission. IN
 2 Pac.HD1171.M3 1954
 2 Pac.HD1188.T78 1971
Book Pac.HD1251.P16P33 Congress of Micronesia : materials, bills and resolutions concerning land. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. IN
Mixed Pac.HD1251.P33 1975 Summary back-ground paper for 1975 senior land commisioner's conference. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District Land Commission. IN
Book Pac.HD1265.M72T76 1985a Land tenure in Trukese society, 1850-1980. Parker, Patricia Lee 1943- IN
 3 Pac.HD1265.O3P3
Book Pac.HD1289.P3M452 1981 Resource exploitation and the tenure of land and sea in Palau. McCutcheon, Mary Shaw. IN
Book Pac.HD1387.V34 Valuation study covering Continental Hotel site, Net Municipality, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : for the Honorable Edward E. Johnston, High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. Cowell, Don R., M.A.I. IN
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