View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TX360.P7 1999
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.TN428.N4E44 1995 Gold rush : tales & traditions of the New Zealand gold fields. Ell, Gordon, 1939- IN
 2 Pac.TN428.P26P335 1990
 3 Pac.TN490.M3 H38 1978
Book Pac.TN809.A1C62 1982 Coal use in Asia and the Pacific : some environmental considerations. IN
Book Pac.TN872.H3U58 Proposed marine mineral lease sale in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Island exclusive economic zones : draft environmental impact statement. United States. Minerals Management Service. IN
 2 Pac.TN879.P7R97 1999
 2 Pac.TN914.A6U5
 3 Pac. TN 939 .C65 E48 1997
Book Pac.TN943.M5H55 1979 Assistance in the establishment of clay producsts manufacture, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: field survey of some clay deposite in Yap, Palau and Truk. Hill, Neville R. IN
Book Pac.TN948.B2U65 1948 Preliminary report on the bauxite deposits of Babelthuap Island, Palau group. Bridge, Josiah 1890-1953 IN
Mixed Pac.TP360.H38 1977 Biomass energy for Hawaii. Hawaii Biomass Energy Study Team. IN
Book Pac.TP372.2.F32 1982 A feasibility study report on the construction of freezer and cold storage plants in the Federated States of Mironesia. Japan Consulting Institute IN
Book Pac.TP373.S8 An analysis for the establishment of a small canning and food processing facility in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands / prepared by William H. Stewart. Stewart, William H. IN
Book Pac.TP377.L6 South Pacific enterprise : the colonial sugar refining company limited. Colonial Sugar Refining Company, ltd. [from old catalog] IN
 3 Pac.TP416.S3R34
Book Pac.TP492.3.S25 2003 Report on the train-the-trainers workshop on good practices in refrigeration, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia 19-. Sale-Mario, Emma, author, editor. IN
Book Pac.TP645.R32 1977 Hand coffee pulpers (repair and adjustment). Reeve, T.M. IN
Book Pac.TP684.C7B39 2011 Processing manual for virgin coconut oil, its products and by-products for Pacific Island countries and territories. Bawalan, Divina D. IN
 2 Pac.TP685.C7Z35 1961
Book Pac.TP690.S68 1994 Petroleum product supply in the Federated States of Micronesia. IN
 3 Pac.TP828.P7B73 1979
Book Pac.TP986.A1R83 1975 Rubber. IN
Book Pac.TR173.5.P3R46 1980 Report of the UNDP/ESCAP Inter-country Programming Mission for the South Pacific, 5 September - 7 October, 1980. IN
Book Pac.TR646.N5J77 1996 The game of our lives : the story of rugby and New Zealand and how they've shaped each other. MacDonald, Finlay. IN
Book Pac.TR820.5.P64 2002 Pohnpei 2001. IN
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