View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. SB453.2 .H3 C55 1987 v.1
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.SD245.O3O45 1992 Plantation forestry in the South Pacific : a compilation and assessment of practices. Oliver, William W. IN
Book Pac.SD245.T7C4 A preliminary estimate of the forest resources of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: A paper presented to a Conference of Land Management Personnel, Saipan, M. I., 23-30 April, 1966. Cheatham, Norden H. IN
 2 Pac.SD246.M5E66 1971
 5 Pac.SD246.O3B9 1992
Book Pac.SD247.D58 1989 Diversity and plant-animal interaction in equatorial rain forests : report of the 1987-1988 Sumatra research. IN
Book Pac.SD247.R47 1988 A Research on the process of earlier recovery of tropical rain forest after a large scale fire in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. IN
Book Pac.SD355.P3P25 Papua and New Guinea Forestry School : volume 1. Papua New Guinea. Department of Forests. IN
 2 Pac.SD356.54.P16W67 1990
 2 Pac.SD387.S86C66 2012
Book Pac.SD397.K8M66 Kosrae State mangrove management component of the forest management strategy (simplified version of first draft). Moore, Beverly. IN
 4 Pac.SD397.M25S73 1971
 5 Pac.SD397.P7U64 1995
Book Pac.SD397.S24S96 1990 Proceedings of the Symposium on Sandalwood in the Pacific : April 9-11, 1990, Honolulu, Hawaii. Symposium on Sandalwood in the Pacific (1990 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
 2 Pac.SD409.T66 1996
Book Pac.SD414.O3R44 2003 Trees outside forests in the Pacific Islands : proceedings of the Regional Forestry Workshop on Trees Outside Forests, Raffles Gateway Hotel, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 10-14 December 2001. Regional Forestry Workshop on Trees Outside Forests (2001 : Nadi, Fiji) IN
Book Pac.SD434.S54 1985 Marketing and business opportunities for Indian timber and other products in Micronesia and China. Sleeper, Louis G. IN
Book Pac.SD434.T76 1975 The Economy and utilisation of timber in the tropics through wood preservation : a training seminar Forest Products Research Centre, Department of Forests, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. IN
Book Pac.SD535.A2U53 Native woods for construction purposes in the western Pacific region. Rev. ed., covering the Solomon Islands, New Guinea Island, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Molucca Islands, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands. United States. Foreign Economic Administration. IN
Book Pac.SD535.M625S2 1987 Timber utilization and production assessment of forest resources: States of Pohnpei and Kosrae Federated States of Micronesia. Sleeper, Louis G. IN
Book Pac.SD538.3.P6H63 1988 Logging versus fisheries and tourism in Palawan : an environmental and economic analysis. Hodgson, Gregor. IN
Book Pac.SD935.5.M5E3 2007 Economic Entomology in Micronesia. Esguerra, Nelson M. IN
 3 Pac.Ser.GN663.E9
 3 Pac.SF1.R485 1987 no.9
Book Pac.SF5.T43 1966a Technical meeting on livestock production and health, Suva, Fiji 5-14 July 1966 : report with background papers. Technical Meeting on Livestock Production and Health (1966 : Suva, Fiji). IN
Book Pac.SF5.T433 1969 Report. Technical Meeting on Tropical Pastures and Beef Production (1969 : Queensland, Australia) IN
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