View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU568 K3L4 1980
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac DU625.D32 1968
Book Pac.DU625.D65 2001 The story of Koloa : a Kauai plantation town. Donohugh, Donald IN
Book Pac.DU625.F4 Hawaii; a pictorial history,. Feher, Joseph. IN
Book Pac.DU625.G2 Hawaii : isles of enchantment. Gessler, Clifford, 1893- IN
 2 Pac.DU625.H75
Book Pac.DU625.J67 2008 Distant Pagan. Jordan, Jessica. IN
Book Pac.DU625.K36 2005 Ka mooolelo Hawaii = The history of Hawaii. IN
Book Pac.DU625.M23 1973 A child's history of Hawaii. IN
Book Pac.DU625.M36 Hawaiian heritage : a brief illustrated history. Mellen, Kathleen (Dickenson) IN
Book Pac.DU625.M57 1994 Modern Hawaiian history. IN
Book Pac.DU625.M834 1978 Hawaiian journey. Mullins, Joseph G. IN
Book Pac. DU625.R37 1997 Hawaii : the Pacific State. Rayson, Dr. Ann. IN
Book Pac.DU625.S3 2004 Aloha betrayed : native Hawaiian resistance to American colonialism. Silva, Noenoe K., 1954- IN
Book Pac.DU625.W58 1986 The golden cloak : an informal history of Hawaiian royalty and of the development of the government during each reign under steadily increasing foreign influence. Withington, Antoinette, 1871-1961. IN
 4 Pac.DU625.8.F54 1980
Book Pac.DU625.8.M58 Resource units in Hawaiian culture. Mitchell, Donald D. Kilolani. IN
Book Pac.DU626.D3 1977 Captain Cook and Hawaii. Day, A. Grove (Arthur Grove), 1904-1994. IN
 3 Pac.DU626.O28 1992
Book Pac.DU626.O283S35 1995 How "natives" think : about Captain Cook, for example. Sahlins, Marshall David, 1930- IN
Book Pac.DU627.B55 1969 A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands : or, The civil, religious, and political history of those islands. Bingham, Hiram,|d1789-1869 IN
Book Pac.DU627.D46 1988 History's anthropology : the death of William Gooch. Dening, Greg. IN
Book Pac.DU627.J88 1974 Voyages to Hawaii before 1860 : a record based on historical narratives in the libraries of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society and the Hawaiian Historical Society, extended to March 1860. Judd, Bernice. IN
 2 Pac.DU627.K8
Book Pac.DU627.W75 The disenchanted isles : the story of the second revolution in Hawaii. Wright, Theon. IN
Book Pac.DU627.1.D47 2000 Kamehameha and his warrior Kekühaupi'o. Desha, Stephen L. IN
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