View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.QL368.9.C5
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.QL428.5.F7P37 1982
Book Pac.QL428.5.H3B55 1972 Hawaiian seashells. Boom, Robert IN
Book Pac.QL428.5.M38R67 Mollusks of the southern Marianas Islands. Roth, A. (Alexander) IN
Book Pac.QL428.5.T9P37 1984 The specimen shell resources of Tuvalu : report. Parkinson, Brian J. IN
 2 Pac.QL430.N4M37 1985
Book Pac.QL430.3.N4S78 1983 Studies on Nautilus pompilius and its associated fauna from Tan~on Strait, the Philippines. IN
 2 Pac.QL430.4.D4 1957
Book Pac.QL430.4.D46 1957 Micronesian reef-associated Gastropods. Demond, Joan IN
 3 Pac.QL430.4.G5 1952
Book Pac.QL430.4.M4 The problem of the giant african snail (Achatina Fulica) in Micronesia. Mead, Albert R. IN
 2 Pac.QL430.4.R67
Book Pac.QL430.4.W55 1971 Australian shells; illustrating and describing 600 species of marine gastropods found in Australian waters. Wilson, Barry Robert, 1935- IN
 2 Pac.QL430.5.A2W42 1942
Book Pac.QL430.5C94B8 The living cowries. Burgess, C. M. (Clarence M.), 1907- IN
Book Pac.QL430.5.T9P35 2014 The status of green snail (Turbo marmoratus) resource in Vanuatu and recommendations for its management, March 2014. Pakoa, Kalo, author. IN
Book Pac.QL434.45.N57 1993 What bit me? : identifying Hawai'i's stinging and biting insects and their kin. Nishida, Gordon M., 1943- IN
Book Pac.QL434.52.U6H38 1994 Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist / editor, Gordon M. Nishida. IN
Book Pac.QL435.A1C95 2002 A new species of the genus Catapaguroides (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguroidea, Paguridae) from Guam, Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.QL437.2.V3 2005 William Stimpson's journal from the North Pacific exploring expedition, 1853-1856. Vasile, Ronald S. []. IN
Book Pac.QL441.8 .5 c.2 Pacific crustacea : an illustrated handbook on the reef-dwelling crustacea of Hawaii and the South Seas. Tinker, Spencer Wilkie. IN
 2 Pac.QL441.8.T5 c.1
Book Pac.QL444.B8B37 1965 Marine amphipoda of atolls in Micronesia. Barnard, Jerry Laurens IN
Book Pac.QL444.C7V56 Free-living Copepoda from Ifaluk Atoll in the Caroline Islands, with notes on related species. Vervoort, W. (Willem) IN
 10 Pac.QL444.M33C62 1991
Book Pac.QL458.6.M5B41 1957 Insects of Micronesia, Pseudoscorpionida. Beier, M. IN
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