View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HD58.9.B45 1997
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HD9502.A2H86 2005 The bottomless well : the twilight of fuel, the virtue of waste, and why we will never run out of energy. Huber, Peter W. (Peter William), 1952- IN
Book HD9502.A2S4 2009 Energy shift : game-changing options for fueling the future. Spiegel, Eric. IN
Book HD9502.U54E5734 2002 Anatomy of greed : the unshredded truth from an Enron insider. Cruver, Brian. IN
Book HD9506.A2M527 1989 Impacts of industrial robotics : potential effects on labor and costs within the metalworking industries. Miller, Steven M. IN
Book HD9539.U7 M67 1982 The politics of uranium. Moss, Norman. IN
Book HD9560.5.W17 1977 The power of oil : economic, social, political. Walton, Richard J. IN
Book HD9560.6.Y47 1990 The prize : the epic quest for oil, money, and power. Yergin, Daniel. IN
Book HD9570.G4 M55 1986 The house of Getty. Miller, Russell. IN
Book HD9685.U5F65 1992 Notable projects from public utilities : innovations and progressive programs in services, marketing, and resources/operations from U.S. electric (and gas) utilities. Friedman, Susan Krug. IN
Book HD9696.8.A2C86 1999 Creating a clearway on the new silk road : international business and policy trends in internet commerce. IN
Book HD9696.A3J3623 1991 Funny business : an outsider's year in Japan. Katzenstein, Gary J., 1956- IN
Book HD9710.S2 1987 Honda Motor : the men, the management, the machines. Sakiya, Tetsuo, 1926- IN
Book HD9715.C55L61 2007 China's key construction projects. Li, Ning. IN
Book HD9736.C6S7 2006 The Story of made in China. IN
Book HD9802.3.U62W67 1993 A world of quality : the timeless passport. IN
Book HD9839.G73U55 1992 When you care enough. Hall, Joyce C., 1891- IN
Book HD9940.A2T56 2012 Where am I wearing? : a global tour to the countries, factories, and people that make our clothes. Timmerman, Kelsey, 1979- IN
Book HD9969.S6R58 2015 The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy : an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade. Rivoli, Pietra. IN
Book HD9971.5.E543P64 1987 Effective mechanisms for the enhancement of technology and skills in the Philippines. IN
Book HD9999.I492B38 2003 Building & running a successful research business : a guide for the independent information professional. Bates, Mary Ellen. IN
Book HE 20.3002:W 84/10 A primer for women's health : learn about your body in 52 weeks. IN
Book HE147.65.B57 2010 Sustainable transportation : problems and solutions. Black, William R. (William Richard), 1942- IN
Book HE147.65.S35 2010 An introduction to sustainable transportation : policy, planning and implementation. Schiller, Preston L. IN
Book HE151.C88 2011 Transportation : a supply chain perspective. IN
Book HE206.2.R65 2006 The best transportation system in the world : railroads, trucks, airlines, and American public policy in the twentieth century. Rose, Mark H., 1942- IN
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