View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.GN36.O25 2006 v. 2 c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac. GC1023.98 .M625 O74 1993
Book Pac.GC1023.98.O3O3 1971 New uses of oceanic resources for Pacific island nations. Oceanic Foundation. IN
 8 Pac.GC1023.98P7P64 1985
Book Pac.GC1023.98.P35I98 1988 Palau marine resources bibliography. Izumi, Masanami. IN
Book Pac.GC1023.98.S7 Y3 2015 Research Report on shoreline change in the Federated States of Micronesia: Phase 1 - Reconnaissance survey of the coasts of islands in Pohnpei and Yap States. Nunn, Patrick D. 1955- IN
Book Pac.GC1023.98.T7C33 1982 Inventory of the coastal resources and reefs of Moen Island, Truk Atoll. Cheney, Daniel P., 1941- IN
 2 Pac.GC1023.98.W47A54 1989
 5 Pac.GC1023.98.Y3M37 1988.
 3 Pac.GC1025.C73 1976
 2 Pac.GC1025.U581 1980
Book Pac.GC1025.U582 1980 Proceedings of the ninth session, Tarawa, Kiribati, 20-28 October 1980; including report of the 9th session of it's Technical Advisory Group; the CCOP/SOPAC Work Programme technical documentation and the summary report...IOC second International Workshop on Geology, Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific. Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in the South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC) (9th : 1989 : Tarawa, Kiribati) IN
 2 Pac.GC1025.069C73 1982
 2 Pac.GC1080 .P32
 2 Pac.GC1081.I568 1990
Book Pac.GC1085.G49 1986 GESAMP : environmental capacity, an approach to marine pollution prevention. IN
 3 Pac.GC1085.P3 1986
Book Pac.GC1085.P615 2001 Pocket guide for aerial surveillance of marine pollution in the Pacific islands region. IN
Book Pac.GC1085.S246 1991 Sampling of selected marine organisms and sample preparation for the analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbons. IN
Book Pac.GC1085 .W66 2000 Ocean's end : travels through endangered seas. Woodard, Colin, 1968- IN
 2 Pac.GC1114.F31 1996
Book Pac.GC1461.E9 1986 Environmental problems of the marine and coastal area of Maldives : national report. IN
Book Pac.GC1471.O94 2000 Overview on land-based pollutant sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal, and freshwater environment in the Pacific Islands Region. IN
 2 Pac.GC1561.I54 1999
Book Pac.GC1561.M67 1992 SPREP POL : an integral part of the 1991-2 work programme of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) ; progress report presented to the SPREP intergovernmental meeting, APIA, September, 1992. Morrison, R.J. IN
 3 Pac.GC1561.S76 1996
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