View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HV6453.J33Y355 1986
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HV6250.4.E75H37 1996 Hate crimes. Winters, Paul A., ed. IN
Book HV6250.4.W65V553 1994 Violence against women. IN
Book HV6251.R85 2003 Last dance, last chance : and other true cases. Rule, Ann. OUT
Book HV6321.I693P48 1997 Arming Iraq : how the U.S. and Britain secretly built Saddam's War Machine. Phythian, Mark. IN
Book HV6322.7.P69 2003 " A problem from hell" : America and the age of genocide. Power, Samantha IN
Book HV640.3.O45 2005 The turbulent decade : confronting the refugee crises of the 1990s. Ogata, Sadako N. IN
Book HV640.4.T5L66 1993 Ban Vinai, the refugee camp. Long, Lynellyn. IN
Book HV640.L84 2007 One day the soldiers came : voices of children in war. London, Charles. IN
Book HV6430.B55B47 2002 Holy war, Inc. : inside the secret world of Osama bin Laden. Bergen, Peter L., 1962- IN
Book HV6430.B55B63 1999 Bin Laden : the man who declared war on America. Bodansky, Yossef. IN
Book HV6431.A43 2001 Usama bin Laden's al-Qaida : profile of a terrorist network. Alexander, Yonah. IN
Book HV6431.G853 2002 Inside Al Qaeda : global network of terror. Gunaratna, Rohan, 1961- IN
Book HV6431.M71 2008 The globalization of martyrdom : Al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the diffusion of suicide attacks. Moghadam, Assaf, 1974- IN
Book HV6431.S9 2002 A faceless enemy : the origins of modern terrorism. Schweitzer, Glenn E., 1930- IN
Book HV6431.T485 2000 Terrorism : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HV6431.T567 1994 Business handbook on terrorism, security and survival : a proactive guide for personal security in today's business environment. Thomas, Gerry S. IN
Book HV6432.7.N39 2004 The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. IN
Book HV6432.7.W666 2004 The World Trade Center and global crisis : critical perspectives. IN
Book HV6432.B8 2002 At Ground Zero : the young reporters who were there tell their stories. IN
Book HV6432.C53 2004b Against all enemies : inside America's war on terror. Clarke, Richard A. IN
Book HV6432.M66 2003 The hunt for Bin Laden : Task Force Dagger. Moore, Robin, 1925-2008. IN
eBook HV6432.P37 2002 Agricultural bioterrorism : a federal strategy to meet the threat. Parker, Henry S. IN
Book HV6432.R48 2000 Responding to terrorism victims : Oklahoma City and beyond. IN
Book HV6432.S87 2006 The one percent doctrine : deep inside America's pursuit of its enemies since 9/11. Suskind, Ron. IN
Book HV6433.M628Z8 2003 Tinderbox : U.S. foreign policy and the roots of terrorism. Zunes, Stephen. IN
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