View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.0592 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0551.59 Pac Creatures of Hawaii's Coral Reefs : unsung beauties of Hawaii's Coral Reefs. Zahl, Paul A., Ph.D. IN
Mixed VerF. 0552 Pac. ADB points out weaknesses in FSM economy & private sector. Wortel, Olivier IN
Mixed VerF 0552.98Pac Testing the waters of Rongelap. Curtsinger, Bill. IN
Mixed VerF.0553 Pac. Status of free association agreements with Micronesian States. IN
Mixed VerF 0553.98 Pac Amelia Earhart. Morell, Virginia. IN
Mixed VerF.0554 Pac. Sea turtles of the South Pacific. IN
Mixed VerF 0554.95 Pac The two worlds of Fiji. Vaughan, Roger. IN
Serial VerF.0555 Pac. Micronesian Anthem. IN
Mixed VerF 0555.79 Pac Which way Oahu?. Young, Gordon. IN
Mixed VerF.0556 Pac. United Nations Population fund : country programme for the South Pacific subregion. United Nations. Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Population Fund. IN
Mixed VerF 0556.72 Pac Report on the investigation of damage done by the Bikini hydrogen bomb test to the people of the Marshall Islands. Japan Congress against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. IN
Mixed VerF.0557 Pac. Summary of past year's activities of comprehensive state health planning. IN
Mixed VerF 0557.67. Pac c.1 Land use planning in Micronesia. Bliss, Donald T. IN
Mixed VerF 0557.67. Pac c.2 Land use planning in Micronesia. Bliss, Donald T. IN
Mixed VerF 0557.67. Pac c.3 Land use planning in Micronesia. Bliss, Donald T. IN
Mixed VerF.0558 Pac. Yapese progress report February 1, 1972 to July 1, 1972. IN
Mixed VerF 0558.97 Pac French Polynesia : charting a new course. Benchley, Peter. IN
Mixed VerF.0559 Pac. Biographical sketch. Stancyk, Stephen E. IN
Mixed VerF 0559.74 Pac The coming of the Polynesians. Emory, Kenneth P. IN
 3 VerF 0560 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0561 Pac. The Response of Salton sea fish eggs and larvae to salinity stress. Lasker, Reuben IN
Mixed VerF 0561.95 Pac. Site environments and stand structure of the mangrove forests on Pohnpei Island, Micronesia. Fujimoto, Kiyoshi. IN
Mixed VerF.0562 Pac. Oyster farming in the New Hebrides. Sixth Technical Meeting on Fisheries (23-27 July 1973 : Suva, Fiji). IN
 4 VerF 0562.91 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0563 Pac. The Clupeoid resourches of tropical seas. Longhurst, Alan R. IN
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