View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU568.U5 C68 1980
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.DU623.25.M67 1996 Hawaii : a unique geography. Morgan, Joseph R. IN
Book Pac.DU623.25.N385 1983 The Navy in Hawaii presents the land of aloha : the islands, the past, the people : people section in 21 languages. IN
Book Pac.DU623.25.P32 1981 Hawaii's future in Asia and the Pacific : how do we get there?. Pacific and Asian Affairs Council. IN
Book Pac. DU623.25.P67 1983 The Hawaiian monarchy. Potter, Norris W. (Norris Whitfield), 1904- IN
Book Pac.DU623.25.R66 1984 Celebration, a portrait of Hawaii through the songs of the Brothers Cazimero. Ronck, Ronn. IN
Book Pac.DU623.25R667 1984 Ronck's Hawaii almanac. Ronck, Ronn. IN
Book Pac.DU623.25.S68 1988 Hawaii’s future in the Pacific : disaster, backwater or future state?. Smyser, A. A. IN
Book Pac.DU624. A1B8 1970 Hawaiian Americans; an account of the mingling of Japanese, Chinese, Polynesian, and American cultures. Burrows, Edwin G. (Edwin Grant), 1891-1958. IN
 6 Pac.DU624.C47 2006 no.3
Serial Pac.DU624.H39 Hawaiian archaeology. IN
 2 Pac.DU624.R47 no.2
Book Pac.DU624.5.A685 1984 Ei nei, you remembah too!. Armitage, Yvonne Neely. IN
 2 Pac.DU624.5.C47 2006 no.5
Book Pac.DU624.5.G67 1973 Hawaii 2000: continuing experiment in anticipatory democracy. Governor’s Conference on the Year 2000 (1970 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book Pac.DU624.5.K3 Ka po?e kahiko : the people of old. Kamakau, Samuel Manaiakalani, 1815-1876. IN
 2 Pac.DU624.5.K12
 3 Pac.DU624.5.P32 1981
Book Pac. DU624.5 .P85 1972 v.2 Nänä i ke kumu==Look to the source. Pukui, Mary Kawena (Wiggin), 1895- IN
Book Pac DU 624.5 P66 In Hawaii : a hundred years. Pratt, Hellen Gay, 1889- IN
 2 Pac.DU624.5.R36
Book Pac.DU624.5.S73 Hawaii : people and culture. Starzecka, D. C. IN
Book Pac.DU624.5.T39 1957 Hawaiian almanac. Taylor, Clarice Bromley, |d 1896-1963. IN
 2 Pac.DU624.6.O86 2002
 2 Pac.DU624.65.A42 1997
 5 Pac.DU624.65.B47 1962
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