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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BF1573.A34 1997 Drawing down the moon : witches, Druids, goddess-worshippers, and other pagans in America today. Adler, Margot. IN
Book BF1584.A785U53 1993 Understanding witchcraft and sorcery in Southeast Asia. IN
Book BF1591.M33K53 1969 Magic, faith, and healing : studies in primitive psychiatry today. IN
Book BF1595.L6 1976 The secret science behind miracles. Long, Max Freedom, 1890-1971. IN
Book BF161.R9 1984 The concept of mind. Ryle, Gilbert, 1900-1976. IN
Book BF1623.P9V4 1998 Numerology for baby names. Vega, Phyllis. IN
Book BF1671.W55 2001 Astrology : a history. Whitfield, Peter, Dr. IN
Book BF1708.1.H38 Introduction to natal astrology. Hayes, James T., 1923- IN
Book BF1714.C5L38 2000 The handbook of Chinese horoscopes / Theodora Lau ; calligraphy and illustrations by Kenneth Lau. Lau, Theodora. IN
Book BF1720.5.B38 1999 Astrological secrets for the new millennium. Baum, Laurie A. IN
Book BF173.F85H32 1999 A primer of Freudian psychology. Hall, Calvin S. (Calvin Springer), 1909-1985. IN
Book BF173.F94 1933 New introductory lectures on psycho-analysis. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. IN
Book BF173.F6255 1989 The Freud reader. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. IN
Book BF173.J85V28 1977 Jung and the story of our time. Van der Post, Laurens. OUT
Book BF173.M35653 1985 In the Freud Archives. Malcolm, Janet. IN
Book BF175.4.C84Z59 1991 Looking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture. Zizek, Slavoj. IN
Book BF175.4.P45C31 2006 Becoming a subject : reflections in philosophy and psychoanalysis. Cavell, Marcia, 1931- IN
Book BF175.5.I53M55 2004 The transcendent function : Jung's model of psychological growth through dialogue with the unconscious. Miller, Jeffrey C., 1951- IN
Book BF175.5.M95G74 2000 The mythic journey : the meaning of myth as a guide for life. Greene, Liz. IN
Book BF176.P777 1991 Psychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests & measurement. Cohen, Ronald Jay, 1948- IN
Book BF176.W335 2001 Tests and assessment. Walsh, W. Bruce, 1936- IN
Book BF1809.T549 1994 Beyond prophecies and predictions : everyone's guide to the coming changes. Timms, Moira, 1938- IN
Book BF1815 .N8 A213 1982 Nostradamus and his prophecies. Nostradamus, 1503-1566. IN
Book BF1815.N8M23 Nostradamus : the man who saw through time. McCann, Lee. IN
Book BF199.N37 2012 Research methods in psychology : investigating human behavior. Nestor, Paul. IN
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