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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0648 Pac. Truk boat-building program : audit report no.74-1. IN
 2 VerF.0649 Pac.
 2 VerF.0650 Pac.
 2 VerF.0651 Pac.
eBook VerF 0652 Pac. Micronesia Red Cross. Partnership in profile IN
Mixed VerF 0655 Pac. Our Pacific "trust". Armitage, Clement J. IN
Mixed VerF 0656 Pac. TTPI official government census during the Japanese administration : final project report. Carroll, Vern IN
Mixed VerF 0657 Pac. Variations in community health status between district and outer-island Pohnpei populations. Murry, Carol IN
 2 VerF 0658.2009 Pac.
eBook VerF 0659.01 Pac. Team Micronesia sweeps 2001 Tour de Sol Race. IN
Mixed VerF 0660 Pac. Improving Ponape's reef and lagoon fishery. Johannes, R.E. IN
Mixed VerF 0663 Pac. Don Juan in Melanesia. Lawrence, Peter, 1921- IN
Mixed VerF 0664 Pac. Some origins of current political attitudes in Micronesia. Skinner, Carlton IN
 2 VerF.0665 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0666.02 Pac. Population growth in Micronesia. Kay, Alan. IN
Mixed VerF 0667 Pac. Schooling in Micronesia during Japanese mandate rule. Shuster, Donald R. IN
Mixed VerF 0671 Pac. Pre-colonial times. Kiste, Robert C. IN
Mixed VerF 0674 Pac. Wolf spiders of the Pacific region : the genus zoica (Araneae, Lycosidae)/. Fremenau, Volker W. IN
Mixed VerF 0675 Pac. Breadfruit or rice : dietary choice on a Micronesian atoll. Pollock, Nancy J. IN
Mixed VerF 0676 Pac. Anuta: a Polynesian outliner in the Solomon islands. Yen, D.E. IN
Mixed VerF.0677 Pac. Palau : conservation frontier of the Pacific. IN
Mixed VerF 0678 Pac. Remarks of Deputy Secretary Asterio Takesy : Virgin Islands Conference, August 25-28, 1989. Micronesia (Federated States). Department of External Affairs. IN
Mixed VerF 0680 Pac. World War II underwater cultural heritage sites in Truk Lagoon: considering a case for world heritage listing. Jeffrey, Bill IN
Mixed VerF 0682 Pac. Perspective on alcoholism : broadening our view. Burtness, Kenneth IN
Mixed VerF 0683 Pac. Maori women to the rescue of Maori health in New Zealand. Armstrong, M. Jocelyn IN
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