View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Gov.PR44.9:2023
  Call Number Title Author Status
Serial Gov.PR43:14:H75 National strategy for homeland security. IN
Book Gov.PR43.2:AG4 2005 White House Conference on Aging, December 11-14, 2005 report to the President and the Congress : the booming dynamics of aging : from awareness to action. White House Conference on Aging (2005 : Washington, D.C.) IN
Serial Gov.PR 43.2:EN 2 Reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy for America's future : report of the National Energy Policy Development Group. United States. National Energy Policy Development Group. IN
Book Gov.PR43.2:F33 Leadership & public service. IN
 2 Gov.PR43.8:B52/T34
Book Gov.PR43.8:C 18 Taking care : ethical caregiving in our aging society. President's Council on Bioethics (U.S.) IN
 6 Gov.PR43.8:C43/C43
Book Gov.PR43.8:D44/V66 Identifying victims using DNA : a guide for families. OUT
Computer Gov.PR43.8:ED8/Y4/CD Yes, I can. IN
Book Gov.PR43.8:H75/2/IN3/2 National strategy for pandemic influenza : implementation plan. IN
 2 Gov.PR43.8:M52/P94
Serial Gov. PR 43.8:M 61/H 75/Final Honor the Past imagine the future: final report. White House Millennium Council (U.S.) IN
Book Gov.PR43.8:SP 3/R 32 A New Era : Revitalizing special education for children and their families. IN
Book Gov.PR 44.8:L 34/AM 3 To illuminate the American story for all : final report to the President and Congress of the United States. United States. Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino Community. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2009 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2010 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2012 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2014 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2015 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2016 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2017 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2018 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2020 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2021 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2022 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
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