View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0470.99e Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF.1182 Pac. Integrating archaeology and ethnohistory : the development of exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western caroline Islands. Descantes, Christophe IN
Mixed VerF.1183 Pac. An update on the headquarters of the permanent secretariat of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. IN
Mixed VerF.1184 Pac. Relations : agreement between the United States of America and Palau, signed at Washington December 14, 1994. IN
Mixed VerF.1185 Pac. Aviation : memorandum of agreement between the United States of America and the Marshall Islands signed at Washington and Majuro May 23 and June 15, 1989. IN
Mixed VerF.1186 Pac. Guam excess lands act. IN
Mixed VerF.1187 Pac. Education agreement between the United States of America and the Marshall Islands signed at Washington September 7, 1988. IN
Mixed VerF. 1188 Pac. Peace Corps : agreement between the United States of America and Palau, signed at Koror March 8, 1995. IN
Mixed VerF.1189 Pac. Virgin Islands and Guam constitutional self-governemt act of 2000. IN
Mixed VerF.1190 Pac. Notes on the music, poety, and dance of the Yap Islanders. IN
Book VerF.1191 Pac. Testimony of his Excellency, Jesse B. Marehalau ambassador of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United States : before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate. IN
Mixed VerF.1192 Pac. U.S. code collection. IN
Mixed VerF.1193 Pac. Taro : a South Pacific specialty. IN
Mixed VerF.1194 Pac. Mango : a fruit for the family. IN
Mixed VerF.1195 Pac. Citrus fruits : fruits with flavor. IN
Mixed VerF.1196 Pac. Guava : a wild fruit. IN
Mixed VerF.1197 Pac. Cassava : a popular plant. IN
Mixed VerF.1198 Pac. Green leaves : nutritious Pacific plants. IN
Mixed VerF.1199 Pac. Banana : a tropical treat. IN
Mixed VerF.1200 Pac. Coconut : an island food. IN
Mixed VerF.1201 Pac. Breadfruit : a food for all seasons. IN
Mixed VerF.1202 Pac. Pineapple : delicious and refreshing. IN
Mixed VerF.1203 Pac. Pumpkin : a valuable food. IN
Mixed VerF.1204 Pac. German colonial administration. IN
Mixed VerF.1205 Pac. Pawpaw : a food for people. IN
Mixed VerF.1206 Pac. Maintaining biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems on Oceanic islands of the tropical Pacific. IN
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