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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HD1693.C375 Capital improvement program Increment II : sewer system additions, improvements and harbor dredging, dock extension and marine resources facility improvement. IN
Book Pac.HD1698.O3M43 1983 Proceedings of the Meeting on Water Resources Development in the South Pacific, held at Suva, Fiji, from 14 to 19 March 1983. Meeting on Water Resources Development in the South Pacific (1983 : Suva, Fiji) IN
Book Pac.HD1699.T63F35 2014 Socio-economic assessment of Hihifo district, the pilot site for the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project in Tonga. Faka'osi, Sione Lanivia IN
Book Pac.HD1701.A2W49 2002 A review of lessons learned and best practice in integrated coastal watershed conservation and management initiatives in the Pacific islands region. Whyte, Jenny IN
Book Pac.HD1701.52.M37A57 2019 Strengthening water security of vulnerable island states : Strengthening water security of vulnerable island states groundwater investigations of Wotje Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Antoniou, Andreas author. 0 eng d IN
 2 Pac.HD1769.C46 1987
Book Pac.HD1769.U52 1995 1992 census of agriculture. IN
Book Pac.HD1775.H3.M37 1982 Development of the agricultural sector in Hawaii. Mark, Shelley Muin, 1922- IN
Book Pac.HD1775.Y3Y3 Yap State agricultural consultants : a primary proposal. IN
Book Pac.HD1809.M5M53 Mission report on budgeting and financial management : State of Truk Federated States of Micronesia, 12 January 1980 - 12 February 1980. United Nations Development Programme. Department of Technical Cooperation for Development. IN
 2 Pac.HD2056.P76S474 1985
Book Pac.HD2152.W48 Agriculture in the Australian economy,. Williams, D. B. (Donald Birtall), 1920- IN
Book Pac.HD2195.P16C85 2019 Cultivation & harvest : 20 years of technical cooperation in agriculture between China and FSM. IN
Book Pac.HD2195.6 K76 1998 A primer on participatory surveys and appraisals in agricultural rural development : case studies from the South Pacific 1996-1998. Kronen, Mecki. IN
Book Pac.HD2195.6.M56 1994 Minami Taiheiyo kaiiki no kurashi to ayumi : shinpojumu no kiroku = People's lives and history in the South Pacific Region. IN
Book Pac.HD2195.6.S68 South Pacific agriculture choices and constraints : South Pacific agricultural survey, 1979. IN
 2 Pac.HD2195.65.Z8H47 1994
 2 Pac.HD2195.7.C58A4 1997
 2 Pac.HD2195.7.K67A4 1997
 2 Pac.HD2195.7.P7A4 1997
Book Pac.HD2195.7.U8 1975 USDA survey : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Guam, American Samoa. IN
 2 Pac.HD2195.7.Y3A4 1997
 4 Pac.HD2195.7.Z8P773 1996
 2 Pac.HD2196.F34 1977
 2 Pac.HD2196.P34 2001
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