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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Z675.S3K23 1997 Collection assessment and management for school libraries : preparing for cooperative collection development. Kachel, Debra E. IN
Book Z675.S3K42 2000 Curriculum partner : redefining the role of the library media specialist. Kearney, Carol A., 1939- IN
Book Z675.S3S6 2002 School libraries for a knowledge society : proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the International Association of School Librarianship and the six International Forum onResearch in School Librarianship held at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 5-9 August 2002. IN
Book Z675.S3S354 1998 School library management notebook. IN
Book Z675.S3S366 1994 School library reference services in the 90s : where we are, where we're heading. IN
Book Z675.S3S757 1992 Running a school library media center : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. Stein, Barbara L. IN
Book Z675.S3S5954 2000 Internet for schools : a practical guide. Simpson, Carol Mann, 1949- IN
Book Z675.S57S1 2005 The new OPL sourcebook : a guide for solo and small libraries. Siess, Judith A. IN
Book Z675.U5A1 1985 Teaching library skills for academic credit. Adams, Mignon S. IN
Book Z675.U5B85 2005 The changing academic library : operations, cultures, environments. Budd, John, 1953- IN
Book Z675.U5C6417 2000 The collaborative imperative : librarians and faculty working together in the information universe. IN
Book Z675.U5H54 2002 An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library. Hernon, Peter. IN
Book Z675 .U5M326 2002 Making the grade : academic libraries and student success. IN
Book Z675.U5M574 1991 The federal roles in support of academic and research libraries. Molz, Redmond Kathleen, 1928- IN
Book Z675.U5O452 2001 Off-campus library services. IN
Book Z675.U5Q35 2014 The quality infrastructure : measuring, analyzing, and improving library services. IN
Book Z675.U5U86 1995 User surveys in college libraries. IN
Book Z675.U5U577 2002 Electronic resources and collection development. University of Oklahoma. Libraries. Conference (2002 : Oklahoma City, Okla.) IN
Book Z675.U5V35 1990 Measuring academic library performance : a practical approach. Van House, Nancy A. IN
Book Z678.2.H67 1997 National information policies : a handbook on the formulation, approval, implementation and operation of national information policies. Horton, Forest Woody. IN
Book Z678.2.M63 1990 The federal roles in support of public library services : an overview. Molz, Redmond Kathleen, 1928- IN
Book Z678.2.U55 2000 Annual report. United States. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science IN
Book Z678.3.S2 1985 Standards for library functions at the State level. Standards Revision Committee. IN
Book Z678.8.G7S6 1975 The government and control of libraries. Stockham, Kenneth Alan. IN
Book Z678.9.A1M36 2008 Managing technologies and automated library systems in developing countries: open source vs commercial options = Le management des technologies et des systemes automatises de bibliotheques dans les pays en developpement : logiciels libre vs options commerciales. IN
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