View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.379 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0585.85 Pac Whales that go to extremes. Baker, C. Scott. IN
 3 VerF 0586. ? Pac
Serial VerF 0586.92 Yapese politics, Yapese money and the Sawei tribute network before world war I. Berg, M. L. IN
Mixed VerF 0587.80 Pac Self-determination and free association -- should the United Nations terminate the Pacific Islands Trust?. Clark, Roger Stenson. IN
Book VerF 0588. Pac Information on custom and legal conditions on Ponape / by the Imperial Vice Governor Dr. Albert Hahl. Hahl, Albert IN
Mixed VerF 0590 Pac. Fr. Hugh Costigan. IN
 2 VerF 0590.03 Pac.
 2 VerF 0590.99 Pac
Mixed VerF.0591 Pac. Sitting dance for women translation : u.N. day celebration 1970. Yap Women's Association, IN
Mixed VerF 0591.50? Pac Kapingamarangi. Buck, Peter Henry 1880-1951. IN
Mixed VerF.0592 Pac. Tables for graduate survey. Brulotte, R.K. IN
Mixed VerF 0592.57 Pac Political organization, supernatural sanctions and the punishment for incest on Yap. Schneider, David Murray. IN
Mixed VerF 0592.62 Pac Double descent on Yap. Schneider, David Murray IN
Mixed VerF.0594 Pac. United Nation day celebration 1970 : Yap Islands. IN
Mixed VerF 0594.48 Pac We survive on a Pacific atoll. IN
Mixed VerF 0594.91 Pac Magnificent Micronesia : Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF.0595 Pac. A student's thought from Hawaii. Mangefel, John IN
Mixed VerF 0595.87 Pac Child abuse and neglect in Micronesia : the situation of Truk, Pohnpei, Yap and Palau. Marcus, Mariano N. IN
Mixed VerF 0596.92 Pac Neglect, physical abuse, and sexual molestation in Palau. Shewman, Richard. IN
Mixed VerF.0597 Pac. Undue lead absorption and lead poisoning in children : an overview. Lin-Fu, J.S. IN
Mixed VerF 0597.93 Pac c.1 The mandate for Yap. Geddes, David. IN
Mixed VerF 0597.93 Pac c.2 The mandate for Yap. Geddes, David. IN
Mixed VerF 0598.68 Pac A household survey of economic goods on Romonum Island, Truk. LeBar, Frank M. IN
Mixed VerF 0600.92 Pac Clan ceremonies. Butler, Beth IN
Mixed VerF 0601.90 Pac An ethno-archaeological investigation of Yapese mortuary behavior. Pickering, Robert B. IN
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