View previous page View next page Call Number Search: PS3615.R56D65 2005
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Q127.U6M671 1982 Japanese technology : getting the best of the least. Moritani, Masanori. IN
Book Q141.G79 2003 The scientists : a history of science told through the lives of its greatest inventors. Gribbin, John R. IN
Book Q141.S5635 2011 The philosophical breakfast club : four remarkable friends who transformed science and changed the world. Snyder, Laura J. IN
Book Q158.5.B47 2009 The best American science writing, 2009. IN
Book Q160.2.E77 2000 Essays on the future : in honor of Nick Metropolis. IN
Book Q162.A4 1965 The new intelligent man's guide to science. Asimov, Isaac, 1920- OUT
Book Q162.B88 2003 A short history of nearly everything. Bryson, Bill. IN
Book Q162.H36 1991 Science matters : achieving scientific literacy. Hazen, Robert M., 1948- IN
Book Q171.O87D32 2008 The Oxford book of modern science writing. Dawkins, Richard. IN
Book Q172.5.C45N3413 1999 Introduction to chaos : physics and mathematics of chaotic phenomena. Nagashima, Hiroyuki. IN
Book Q172.5.P77S48 2002 Why people believe weird things : pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time. Shermer, Michael. IN
Book Q173.D295 1989 The Day that lightning chased the housewife -- and other mysteries of science. IN
Book Q173.G34 2000 Did Adam and Eve have navels?: discourses on reflexology, numerology, urine theraphy & other dubious subjects. Gardner, Martin, 1914- IN
Book Q173.G35 1957 Fads and fallacies in the name of science. Gardner, Martin, 1914- IN
Book Q173.S56 2001 The borderlands of science : where sense meets nonsense. Shermer, Michael. IN
Book Q173.T74 1996 101 Things you don't know about science and no one else does either. Trefil, James S., 1938- IN
Book Q175.5.K12 2011 Physics of the future : how science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100. Kaku, Michio. IN
Book Q175.32.R45D43 2006 The intelligibility of nature : how science makes sense of the world. Dear, Peter Robert. IN
Book Q175.52.G7S48 1994 A social history of truth : civility and science in seventeenth-century England. Shapin, Steven. IN
Book Q175.52.J3L68 1999 Science, technology and society in contemporary Japan. Low, Morris. IN
Book Q175.C35 1970 Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Campbell, Donald Thomas, 1916- IN
Book Q175.C78 1969 Statistics for experimentalists. Cooper, Brian Edward. IN
Book Q175.D33 1998 Unweaving the rainbow : science, delusion, and the appetite for wonder. Dawkins, Richard, 1941- OUT
Book Q175.F7855 2009 What science knows : and how it knows it. Franklin, James, 1953- IN
Book Q175.M258 2009 Solving everyday problems with the scientific method : thinking like a scientist. Mak, Don K. IN
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