View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. HC681.5.K67 1976
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HC683.S45 1974 Selected papers presented at a seminar on the subsistence sector in the South Pacific held at the university of the South Pacific, Suva, 12-23 August 1974. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.S62
 13 Pac.HC683.S641 1986
 6 Pac.HC683.S672 1996-97
 5 Pac.HC683.S673 1985
Book Pac.HC683.T5 1989 Trade and investment in the South Pacific islands : a diagnostic study. Thomson, Peter W. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.T46
 2 Pac.HC683.T65 1991
Book Pac.HC683.W33 1972 Priorities in Melanesian development : papers delivered at the Sixth Waigani Seminar sponsored jointly by the University of Papua and New Guinea [and others], held at Port Moresby 30 April to 5 May, 1972. Waigani Seminar (6th : 1972 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) IN
Book Pac.HC683.W37 Man in the Pacific Islands: essays on geographical change in the Pacific Islands. Ward, R. Gerard IN
Book Pac.HC683.3.A1N64 2009 Niue and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Joint Contry Strategy 2009-2013 : in support of Niue's National Strategy Plan 2009-2013. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.3.Z9E446 1991a
 4 Pac.HC683.5.A1G47 v.I
 2 Pac.HC683.5A86 1996
 2 Pac.HC683.5.F362 1998
Book Pac.HC683.5.M54 1990 Private sector development in Papua New Guinea. Millett, John, 1936- IN
 2 Pac.HC683.5.Z7T84 1965
 2 Pac.HC683.5.Z9E4458
Book Pac.HC684.A2N19 2003 National economic recovery, reform and development plan 2003-2006 : strategic and action framework. IN
Book Pac.HC684.A85 1995 Annual report for 1994 of the constituency office representing : Australia, Cambodia, Hongkong, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Solomo Islands and Tuvalu. Asian Development Bank. IN
Book Pac.HC684.H685 1990 Closing report for the 1990 Household Income and Expenditures pilot survey for the Office of Planning and Statistics in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Peters, James. IN
Book Pac.HC684.M46 2008 Medium term development strategy, 2008 to 2010. IN
 3 Pac.HC684.S645 1998
 2 Pac.HC684.S647 1994
Book Pac.HC685.E26 1995 An economic assessment of the Republic of Vanuatu. IN
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