View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS93.S953 1988
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DU645.I213 1992 The history of the Marianas, with navigational data, and of the Caroline, and Palau Islands : from the time of their discovery by Magellan in 1521 to the present. Ibáñez y García, Luís de. IN
Book DU710.N54 2001 For the good of mankind : a history of the people of Bikini and their islands. Niedenthal, Jack. IN
Book DU740.42.N39 1992 Not the way it really was : constructing the Tolai past. Neumann, Klaus, 1958- IN
Book DU740.42.S65 1994 Hard times on Kairiru Island : poverty, development, and morality in a Papua New Guinea village. Smith, Michael French. IN
Book DU740.42.W465 2003 Food rules : hunting, sharing, and tabooing game in Papua New Guinea. Whitehead, Harriet. IN
Book DU740.P19 2005 Papuan pasts : cultural, linguistic and biological histories of Papuan-speaking peoples. IN
Book DU744.35.D32H36 1979 Grand Valley Dani, peaceful warriors. Heider, Karl G., 1935- IN
Book DU850.K42 1992 Custom and confrontation : the Kwaio struggle for cultural autonomy. Keesing, Roger M., 1935- IN
Book DU880.T7 His majesty King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV of the Kingdom of Tonga : a biography. Taulahi, Amanaki. IN
Book DU93.S34 1989 Colourful Austria. Scheibenpflug, Heinz. IN
Book DU95 .A97 S65 1992 Australia. Smith, Robin E. IN
Book DU96.D65 1997 Australia. Dolce, Laura. IN
Book DU96.G725 2002 Australia. Grabowski, John F. IN
Book DU96.R34 2002 Australia. Rajendra, Vijeya, 1936- IN
Book DU98.1.M34 1987 Great Australian explorers. McEwan, Marcia. IN
Book DX115.M453 1970 Gypsies, wanderers of the world. McDowell, Bart. IN
Book E111.A12 1992 1492, an ongoing voyage. IN
Book E111.H39F67 1994 Strange genius : the life of Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. Foster, Mike, 1935- IN
Book E111.L23 1967 Columbus: the story of Don Cristóbal Colón, Admiral of the Ocean and his four voyages westward to the Indies, according to contemporary sources. Landström, Björn. IN
Book E112.S45 1991 Seeds of change : a quincentennial commemoration. IN
Book E121.S63 1974 The wild shores : America's beginnings. Snell, Tee Loftin. IN
Book E141.F7 1979 Discoverers, explorers, settlers : the diligent writers of early America. Franklin, Wayne. IN
Book E156..W43 2000 The United States. Webb, Marcus, 1957- IN
Book E158.A48 1986 America from the road. IN
Book E159.K56 1977 Anthropology in historic preservation : caring for culture's clutter. King, Thomas F. IN
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