View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS12.N35 1964
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DT373.E83 1993 Ethiopia, a country study. IN
Book DT379.5.L63 1970 Queen of Sheba's heirs; cultural patterns of Ethiopia. Lord, Edith. IN
Book DT38.9 .C5556 1989 The star raft : China's encounter with Africa. Snow, Philip. IN
Book DT380.G35 1969 The Qemant; a pagan-Hebraic peasantry of Ethiopia. Gamst, Frederick C. IN
Book DT401.5.S68 1993 Somalia : a country study. IN
Book DT429.T87 1972 The mountain people. Turnbull, Colin M. IN
Book DT433.28 .E44A3 1989 Elizabeth of Toro : the odyssey of an African princess : an autobiography. Elizabeth, Princess of Toro. IN
Book DT433.54.D61 1985 Out of Africa ; and, Shadows on the grass. Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962. IN
Book DT433.522.K46 1984 Kenya, a country study. IN
Book DT433.527.L38 1991 The frozen leopard : hunting my dark heart in Africa. Latham, Aaron. IN
Book DT433.542.S2 1989 Maasai. Saitoti, Tepilit Ole, 1949- IN
Book DT434.U2B42 1965 Understanding an African kingdom: Bunyoro. Beattie, John. IN
Book DT443.K55 1970 The Barabaig; East African cattle-herders. Klima, George J. IN
Book DT446 .N9 A48 1968 Freedom and socialism = Uhuru na ujamaa : a selection from writings and speeches, 1965-1967. Nyerere, Julius K. (Julius Kambarage), 1922- IN
Book DT447.2.L85A34 1976 Forgotten mandate : a British district officer in Tanganyika. Lumley, E. K. IN
Book DT448.25.N9M83 2002 Nyerere and Africa: end of an era. biography of Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999) president of tanzania. Mwakikagile, Godfrey. IN
Book DT449.R9N9 1985 Rwanda, a country study. IN
Book DT450.435.G68 1998 We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families : stories from Rwanda. Gourevitch, Philip, 1961- IN
Book DT450.435.P78 1995 The Rwanda crisis : history of a genocide. Prunier, Gerard. IN
Book DT453.M64 1985 Mozambique : a country study. IN
Book DT46.E32 1991 Egypt, a country study. IN
Book DT472.S74 1989 Malaria dreams : an African adventure. Stevens, Stuart. IN
Book DT49.F67 1999 Egypt. Kallen, Stuart A., 1955- IN
Book DT509.45.M34H87 1990 Our grandmothers' drums. Hudson, Mark. IN
Book DT510.4.B38 1988 Honey from the lion : an African journey. Belcher, Wendy Laura. IN
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