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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BF431.F95 1969 Piaget and knowledge; theoretical foundations. Furth, Hans G. IN
Book BF431.G17 1983 Frames of mind : the theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner, Howard. IN
Book BF431.G39 1996 Genetics and intelligence. IN
Book BF431.G68 1996 The mismeasure of man. Gould, Stephen Jay. IN
Book BF431.H75 2007 Essentials of assessment with brief intelligence tests. Homack, Susan R. IN
Book BF431.I2 1976 The IQ controversy : critical reading. IN
Book BF431.L548 1991 Sense and nonsense about IQ : the case for uniqueness. Locurto, C. M. IN
Book BF431.S1 1977 The dragons of Eden : speculations on the evolution of human intelligence. Sagan, Carl, 1934- IN
Book BF431.S9 1961 Studies in individual differences: the search for intelligence. Jenkins, James J., ed. IN
Book BF431.Z4 1998 Measuring minds : Henry Herbert Goddard and the origins of American intelligence testing. Zenderland, Leila. IN
Book BF432.3.G17 1999 Intelligence reframed : multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Gardner, Howard IN
Book BF432.3.G17 2006 Multiple intelligences : new horizons. Gardner, Howard. IN
Book BF435.E55 1963 Handbook of mental deficiency : psychological theory and research. Ellis, Norman R. IN
Book BF435.T2 1993 The natural history of stupidity. Tabori, Paul, 1908- IN
Book BF44.C48 1995 Chaos theory in psychology. IN
Book BF441.1.E67 1999 Workbook for critical thinking. Epstein, Richard L. 1947- IN
Book BF441.B297 2003 Hoaxes, myths, and manias : why we need critical thinking. Bartholomew, Robert E. IN
Book BF441.B435 1998 Critical thinking in psychology : a unified skills approach. Bensley, D. Alan, 1949- IN
Book BF441.C45 1999 Hare brain, tortoise mind : why intelligence increases when you think less. Claxton, Guy. IN
Book BF441.D43 1991 How we think. Dewey, John, 1859-1952. IN
Book BF441.E67 1999 Critical thinking. Epstein, Richard L. 1947- IN
Book BF441.E672 2000 The pocket guide to Critical thinking. Epstein, Richard L., 1947- IN
Book BF441.K238 2011 Thinking, fast and slow. Kahneman, Daniel, 1934- IN
Book BF448.A75 2008 Predictably irrational : the hidden forces that shape our decisions. Ariely, Dan. IN
Book BF448.G45 2005 Blink : the power of thinking without thinking. Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- IN
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