View previous page View next page Call Number Search: D790.M51 2002
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DK106.B63 1987 Fearful majesty : the life and reign of Ivan the Terrible. Bobrick, Benson, 1947- IN
Book DK17.S6396 1991 Soviet Union : a country study. IN
Book DK254.R3D4 1982 The life and times of Grigorii Rasputin. De Jonge, Alex, 1938- IN
Book DK260.F54 1997 A people's tragedy : a history of the Russian Revolution, 1891-1924. Figes, Orlando. IN
Book DK266.3.V46 1996 Venona : Soviet espionage and the American response 1939-1957. IN
Book DK266.A33X46 2002 What happened to the Soviet Union? : how and why American sovietologists were caught by surprise. Xenakis, Christopher I. IN
Book DK267.C649 1990 The great terror : a reassessment. Conquest, Robert. IN
Book DK268.S8M36 1988 Stalin : man and ruler. McNeal, Robert Hatch, 1930- IN
Book DK275.D63A3 1995 In confidence : Moscow's ambassador to American's six Cold War presidents (1962-1986). Dobrynin, Anatoliy Federovich. IN
Book DK28.V28 1984 Journey into Russia. Van der Post, Laurens. IN
Book DK286.B75 1994 The breakup of the Soviet Union : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book DK288.C3713 1993 The end of the Soviet empire : the triumph of the nations. Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène. IN
Book DK288.D43 1992 The Decline and fall of the Soviet empire. IN
Book DK290.3.Y45 A3 1994 The struggle for Russia. Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, 1931- OUT
Book DK4040.P57 1994 Poland : a country study. IN
Book DK41.F33 1998 Russia. Fader, Kim Brown, 1956- IN
 2 DK4140.D38 1982
Book DK4147.C67 2000 Poland. Corona, Laurel, 1949- IN
Book DK4600.O3385A44 2003 The Oder-Neisse line : the United States, Poland, and Germany in the Cold War. Allen, Debra J., 1957- IN
Book DK504.56.L38 1992 Latvia. IN
Book DK509.A727 1995 Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia : country studies. IN
Book DK51.M55 1986 Transformation in Russian and Soviet military history : proceedings of the Twelfth Military History Symposium, United States Air Force Academy, 1-3 October 1986. IN
Book DK510.23.S86 1991 The nature of Russia. Stewart, John Massey. IN
Book DK510.73.T56 1992 Russia's secret rulers. Timofeev, Lev, 1936- IN
Book DK510.76.Y47 1993 Russia 2010--and what it means for the world. Yergin, Daniel. IN
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