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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book D20.W886 1999 World history : original and secondary source readings. IN
Book D2009.E853 1992 Europe. IN
Book D208.N67 1971 The Norton history of modern Europe. IN
Book D209.P26 1971 A history of the modern world. Palmer, R. R. (Robert Roswell), 1909- IN
Book D21.3.S55 1990 Fascinating people and astounding events from the history of the Western world. Smith, Ronald D., 1935- IN
Book D21.5.P62 1990 An historical geography of Europe. Pounds, Norman John Greville. IN
Book D21.C72 1986 The Columbia history of the world. IN
Book D21.L79 2011 Societies, networks, and transitions : a global history. Lockard, Craig A. IN
Book D21.R64 1990 The Penguin history of the world. Roberts, J. M. OUT
Book D210.A5 2005 Ancient colonizations : analogy, similarity and difference. IN
Book D210.H96 2010 The human tradition in the Atlantic world, 1500-1850. IN
Book D210.K46 1987 The rise and fall of the great powers : economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000. Kennedy, Paul M., 1945- IN
Book D210.T79 1985 The march of folly : from Troy to Vietnam. Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. IN
Book D228.C12 1987 Renaissance and Reformation. Cairns, Trevor. IN
Book D23.B48 2002 A short history of the world. Blainey, Geoffrey. IN
Book D23.F76 2000 The way of the world : from the dawn of civilizations to the eve of the twenty-first century. Fromkin, David. IN
Book D23.G57 2002 The global experience : readings in world history. IN
Book D23.G58 1998 The global experience : readings in world history. IN
Book D23.G64 2005 A little history of the world. Gombrich, E. H. (Ernst Hans), 1909-2001. IN
Book D24.D87 1999 The hinge factor : how chance and stupidity have changed history. Durschmied, Erik. IN
Book D246.B61 1967 Age of kings. Blitzer, Charles. IN
Book D25.5 .K27 1995 On the origins of war and the preservation of peace. Kagan, Donald. IN
Book D25.B32 2006 Battlefield : decisive conflicts in history. IN
Book D25.P7 1972 Men in arms : a history of warfare and its interrelationships with Western society. Preston, Richard Arthur. IN
Book D27.W344 1996 Waves of glory : the hellenic fleet from 480 B.C. to present day. IN
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