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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book D20.H62 2016 A history of the world in 100 objects. IN
Book D20.J69 1999 Ancient & modern. Jones, Peter 1942- IN
Book D20.P277 2017 World history : from the ancient world to the information age. Parker, Philip, 1965- author. IN
Book D20.R27 2004 Worlds of history : a comparative reader. Reilly, Kevin. IN
Book D20.R65 1993 History of the world. Roberts, J. M. (John Morris), 1928-2003. IN
Book D20.W44 1974 A short history of the world. Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946. IN
Book D20.W886 1999 World history : original and secondary source readings. IN
Book D2009.E853 1992 Europe. IN
Book D208.N67 1971 The Norton history of modern Europe. IN
Book D209.P26 1971 A history of the modern world. Palmer, R. R. (Robert Roswell), 1909- IN
Book D21.3.S55 1990 Fascinating people and astounding events from the history of the Western world. Smith, Ronald D., 1935- IN
Book D21.5.P62 1990 An historical geography of Europe. Pounds, Norman John Greville. IN
Book D21.C72 1986 The Columbia history of the world. IN
Book D21.L79 2011 Societies, networks, and transitions : a global history. Lockard, Craig A. IN
Book D21.R64 1990 The Penguin history of the world. Roberts, J. M. OUT
Book D210.A5 2005 Ancient colonizations : analogy, similarity and difference. IN
Book D210.H96 2010 The human tradition in the Atlantic world, 1500-1850. IN
Book D210.K46 1987 The rise and fall of the great powers : economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000. Kennedy, Paul M., 1945- IN
Book D210.T79 1985 The march of folly : from Troy to Vietnam. Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. IN
Book D228.C12 1987 Renaissance and Reformation. Cairns, Trevor. IN
Book D23.B48 2002 A short history of the world. Blainey, Geoffrey. IN
Book D23.F76 2000 The way of the world : from the dawn of civilizations to the eve of the twenty-first century. Fromkin, David. IN
Book D23.G57 2002 The global experience : readings in world history. IN
Book D23.G58 1998 The global experience : readings in world history. IN
Book D23.G64 2005 A little history of the world. Gombrich, E. H. (Ernst Hans), 1909-2001. IN
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