View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.1005 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0813.66 Pac A detailed review of land problems in the Yap District. White, William C. IN
Mixed VerF 0814.96 Pac A report on the survey work performed in the Yap District between 1944 and 1966. Loochaz, Mark IN
Mixed VerF 0815.01 Pac Amelia Earhart's bones and shoes? : current anthropological perspectives on an historical mystery. Burns, Karen R. [] IN
Mixed VerF 0816.98 Pac. Aquafarmer information sheet : triploid Chinese catfish. Fast, Arlo W. IN
Mixed VerF 0817.92 Pac The Guam rail : a second chance for survival. Meadows, Robin. IN
Mixed VerF 0819. 72 Pac A look ahead at Micronesian future. Smyser, A.A. IN
Mixed VerF 0822.98 Pac In the teeth of Jaws. Achenbach, Joel. IN
Mixed VerF 0824.73a Pac Palauan kinship. Hidikata, Hisakatsu 1900- IN
Mixed VerF 0824.73b Pac Some ceramics of Palau. Hidikata, Hisakatsu 1900- IN
Mixed VerF 0825.01 Pac Pohnpei Governor David speaks out on official allowances. Henry, Jasmine J. IN
Mixed VerF 0826.82 Pac Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of Palau regarding economic assistance concluded pursuant to Section 211 (a) (2) of the Compact of Free Association. IN
Mixed VerF 0828.96 Pac Tobi captured : converging ethnographic and colonial visions on a Caroline Island. Buschmann, Rainer F. IN
 2 VerF.0829.?? Pac
Mixed VerF 0830. ? Pac Meing vocabulary. Cantero, Paulino IN
Mixed VerF 0830. ? Pac c.2 Meing vocabulary. Cantero, Paulino IN
Mixed VerF 0830. ? Pac c.3 Meing vocabulary. Cantero, Paulino IN
Mixed VerF 0831.53 Pac Report on insect collecting trip to Kusaie, Caroline Islands. Clarke, J. F. Gates IN
Mixed VerF 0832.54 Pac Prelimnary report on an insect survey of Truk. Potts, Robert W. L. IN
Mixed VerF 0835.00 Pac Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Myers, Norman IN
 2 VerF 0836.99 Pac
Mixed VerF 0838.00 Pac Teleconsultations in Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia. Hedson, Johnny S. IN
Mixed VerF 0839.00 Pac Telemedicine in the Federated States of Micronesia. Rutstein, David IN
Mixed VerF 0839.01 Pac Telemedicine success in the United States associated Pacific Islands (USAPI): two illustrative cases. Person, Donald A. IN
Mixed VerF 0840.94 Pac Why I can't get a loan...and probably shouldn't anyway!. Cheshire, C. L. IN
Mixed VerF 0841.01 Pac Geographical history of the central-western Pacific black fly subgenus Insliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae: Simulium) based on a reconstructed phylogeny of the species, hot-spot archipelagoes and hydrological considerations / Douglas A Craig, [et al.]. Craig, Douglas IN
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