View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.1005 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0759 Pac. U.S.S. Mississinewa, AO-59. Fulleman, Bob [et al.] IN
Mixed VerF 0765.94 Pac c.1 The food production system of the Yap Islands. Falanruw, Marjorie V. C. IN
Mixed VerF 0765.94 Pac. c.2 The food production system of the Yap Islands. Falanruw, Marjorie V. C. IN
Book VerF 0768.70 Pac. Micronesian heritage. Browning, Mary A. IN
 3 VerF 0768.72 Pac
Mixed VerF 0768.73 Pac. Stick charting. Browning, Mary A. IN
 2 VerF 0785.64b Pac.
 3 VerF 0785.64 Pac.
 2 VerF.0785.67 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0790.73 Pac Response to "Land Law and Change on Truk". Yamada, Kozo IN
Mixed VerF 0800.02 Pac Temporal and spatial trends in spawning aggregations of camouflage grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion, in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Rhodes, Kevin L. IN
Mixed VerF 0801.70 Pac Conservation problems in the Truk lagoon. Powell, Ronald IN
Mixed VerF 0802.99 Pac Note and comment : Belowground carbon storage of Micronesian mangrove forests. Fujimoto, Kiyoshi IN
Mixed VerF 0803.02 Pac Who can belong to a Micronesian household : representations of household composition across social contexts. Burton, Michael L. IN
Book VerF 0804.96 Pac N-methylated ageliferins from the sponge astrosclera willeyana from Pohnpei. Williams, David H. IN
Mixed VerF 0805.01a Pac Geographic variation and ecological adaptation in aurelia (scyphozoa, semaeostomeae) : some implications from molecular phylogenetics. Dawson, Mike N. IN
Mixed VerF 0805.01b Pac. Jellyfish swarms, tourists, and the Christ-child. Dawson, Mike N. IN
Mixed VerF 0806.00 Pac New bromotyroshine metabolites from the sponge aplysinella rhax. Shin, Jongheon IN
Mixed VerF 0808.93 Pac c.1 Political evolution in Micronesia. Peoples, James G. IN
Mixed VerF 0808.93 Pac c.2 Political evolution in Micronesia. Peoples, James G. IN
Mixed VerF 0809.01 Pac Kosrae State libraries, archives, and museums strategic plan for improvement. IN
Mixed VerF 0810.01 Pac [Papers and articles of the Honorable Redley Killion, Vice-President, FSM]. Killion, Redley IN
 2 VerF 0811.? Pac
Book VerF 0812.2001 Pac. Déclaration de Tahiti Nui. IN
Book VerF 0812.97 Pac Declaration by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat on law enforcement cooperation. IN
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