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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0842.01 Pac A National review of progress in the implementation of the Earth Summitt Commitments and Agenda 21: draft working report of the Federated States of Micronesia Multi-Stakeholder Consultation held at Micronesian Seminar Conference Room, Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, 8-9 November 2001. IN
Mixed VerF 0843.68 Pac. Report and recommendation on the legal status and the future disposition of Nan Madol. IN
Mixed VerF 0844.01 Pac. Assessment of the impact of Federal Education Programs in the Marshall Islands. Republic of the Marshall Islands. Ministry of Education IN
Mixed VerF 0845.01 Pac The Pohnpei flying fox. Massicot, Paul IN
Mixed VerF 0846.82 Pac Acquisition of Piagetian Concepts among Micronesian children. Mullen, Gail S. IN
Mixed VerF 0846.82 Pac c.2 Acquisition of Piagetian Concepts among Micronesian children. Mullen, Gail S. IN
Mixed VerF 0846.82 Pac c.3 Acquisition of Piagetian Concepts among Micronesian children. Mullen, Gail S. IN
Mixed VerF 0847.01 Pac On the origin of the types of hypsilurus godeffroyi (reptilia: squamata: agamidae) and early German contributions to the herpetology of Palau. Bauer, Aaron M. IN
Serial VerF 0848.01 Pac An assessment of the sea turtles and their marine and terrestrial habitats at Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. IN
Mixed VerF 0849.02 Pac A year of uncertainty : events beyond Oceania, and many locally generated, will affect the Pacific in 2002. IN
 3 VerF 0850.95 Pac
Mixed VerF 0852.02 Pac Address by Mrs. Iris G. Falcam, First Lady of the Federated States of Micronesia before the 27th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Children, New York, May 9, 2002. Falcam, Iris G., 1938-2010 IN
Language VerF 0852.2010b Pac. Eulogy for Iris Falcam. Weilbacher, Penny IN
Mixed VerF 0852.2010 Pac. Iris Falcam, Papers, articles, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0853.10 Pac. Iris Falcam : Papers, articles, etc.,. Falcam, Iris G., 1938-2010 OUT
Book VerF 0855.99 Pac A five year plan for libraries in the Republic of the Marshall Islands 1999 - 2004. IN
Mixed VerF 0857.001 Pac Pacific beat : the last days of Pohnpei?. Boyd, Alan IN
Mixed VerF 0858.94. Pac Nutritional problems among Pacific Island children. Paterson, Jane H. IN
Mixed VerF 0859.94 Pac. Challenges for eliminating vitamin A deficiency in Chuuk State, Micronesia. Ibarra, Lourdes M. IN
 3 VerF 0860.99 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0861.99 Pac Schizophrenia in Kosrae, Micronesia : prevalence, gender ratios, and clinical symptomatology. Waldo, Merilyne C. IN
Mixed VerF 0861.99 Pac c.2 Schizophrenia in Kosrae, Micronesia : prevalence, gender ratios, and clinical symptomatology. Waldo, Merilyne C. IN
 4 VerF 0862.78 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0863.000 Pac Costly signaling and torch fishing on Ifaluk atoll. Sosis, Richard IN
Mixed VerF 0864.002 Pc The new frontier, the great society, and American imperialism in Oceania / Charles J. Weeks, Jr. Weeks, Charles J. IN
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