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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF.0429 Pac. Natural hazards in the Pacific-fact sheet. IN
Mixed VerF.0430 Pac. IFRC's revised constitution & rules of procedures. IN
Book VerF.0432 Pac. United States security interests in the Pacific islands. Dorrance, John C. IN
Mixed VerF 0432.77 Pac A superport ngmei Belau?. OUT
Mixed VerF 0433.70 Pac German land records on Micronesia. McGrath, William A. IN
Mixed VerF 0434.70 Pac Statement of intent of some guidelines and proposals for an associated free state of Micronesia (includes errata) [position paper]. Green, D. Michael. IN
Mixed VerF 0434.74 Pac Termination of the U.S. Pacific Islands Trusteeship. Green, D. Michael. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.91 Pac c.1 Regional demographic change in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.91 Pac c.2 Regional demographic change in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.92 Pac Regional demographic change in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95a Pac Regional demographic change in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95a Pac. Regional demographic change in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95a Pac c.3 Regional demographic change in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95 Pac Changing migration patterns in the Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95 Pac c.2 Changing migration patterns in the Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
Mixed VerF 0436.95 Pac c.3 Changing migration patterns in the Federated States of Micronesia. Gorenflo, Larry J. IN
 2 VerF 0437.95 Pac
 3 VerF 0438.91 Pac
 4 VerF 0438.95 Pac
Mixed VerF 0438.95 Pac. The changing family in Chuuk : 1950-1990. Oneisom, Innocente I. IN
Book VerF. 0440 Pac. Hygiene behavious of adolesents in the Pacific : associations with socio-demographic, health behaviour and school environment. IN
Mixed VerF 0441 Pac German prospects and potentials for international development aid to the new Micronesian States. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- IN
Mixed VerF 0441.80 Pac The influence of technology on traditional Oceanic cultures in Micronesia. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- IN
Mixed VerF 0441.82 Pac. Colonial experience in Micronesia : legacy for Japan and America: comments on the topic: traditional culture and its modernization in Pacific Island nations; presented to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Tokyo, 15-23 March l982. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, l939- OUT
Mixed VerF 0441.9? Pac German prospects and potentials for international development aid to the new Micronesian States. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- IN
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