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  Call Number Title Author Status
Serial Gov.PREX3.19:2001/9 Studies in intelligence. IN
Book Gov.PREX3.2:B 52/2 The biological & chemical warfare threat. IN
Book Gov.PREX3.2:C67 At Cold War's End : US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1991. IN
Serial Gov.PREX3.2:C76 A consumer's guide to intelligence : gaining knowledge and foreknowledge of the world around us. IN
Serial Gov.PREX3.2:F82 The founding fathers of American intelligence. Rose, P. K. IN
 4 Gov.PREX 3.2:IR 1/ADD.
Book Gov.PREX3.2:K41 Sherman Kent and the Board of National Estimates : collected essays. Kent, Sherman IN
Book Gov.PREX3.21:C44 Tracking the dragon : national intelligence estimates on China during the era of Mao, 1948-1976. United States. National Intelligence Council. IN
Book Gov.PREX3.21:F98 Mapping the global future : report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project, based on consultations with nongovernmental experts around the world. IN
Book Gov.PREX3.21:V67 Estimative products on Vietnam, 1984-1975. PREX 3.21:V 67 IN
Book Gov.PREX 3.22:C11 2007 The Caesar, Polo & Esau papers : Cold War era hard target analysis of Soviet & Chinese policy and decision making, 1953-1973. IN
Book Gov.PREX 3.22:M 69 Penetrating the Iron Curtain : resolving the missile gap with technology. IN
Book Gov.PREX3.22:R22/2011 Ronald Reagan, intelligence, and the end of the Cold War : Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011. Symposium on Ronald Reagan, Intelligence and the End of the Cold War (2011 : Ronald Reagan Presidential Library) IN
 6 Gov.PREX9.11:
Book Gov.PREX9.2:UR8 The Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : report of the Agriculture Technical Advisory Committee (ATACs). United States. Agriculture Technical Advisory Committee. IN
Serial Gov.PREX14.2:H34 President Clinton and Vice President Gore : a healthy environment for the 21st century. Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.) IN
Book Gov.PREX14.2:R52/2000 Progress report Rivers Initiative (U.S.) : initiative. American Heritage Rivers Initiative (U.S.) IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:AV1 National research and development plan for aviation safety, security, efficiency, and environmental compatibility. United States. National Science and Technology Council. Subcommittee on Transportation Research and Development. IN
Book Gov.PREX 23.14:C 63 Coastal sensitivity to sea-level rise : a focus on the mid-Atlantic Region. IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:C73 Comparison of international transportation R&D expenditures and priorities. IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:C76 1999 Construction and Building : Interagency program for technical advancement in construction and building : report of the subcommittee on Construction and Building, Committee on Technology, National Science and Technology Council. United States. National Science and Technology Council. Subcommittee on Construction and Building. IN
Serial Gov. PREX23.14:H99 Integrated assessment of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:IN8 Investing in our future : a national research initiative for America's children for the 21st century. IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:R64 The role of monitoring networks in the management of the nation's air quality. United States. National Science and Technology Council. Air Quality Research Subcommittee. IN
Serial Gov.PREX23.14:T 22 National Transportation Technology Plan. IN
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