View previous page View next page Call Number Search: PR4231.S7 1965
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book PR6045.O72M7 1925 Mrs. Dalloway. Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. IN
 2 PR6045.O72Z474 1989
Book PR605.A555L5 1961 Les liaisons dangereuses : from the novel by Choderlos de Laclos. Hampton, Christopher, 1946- IN
Book PR6051.D3352A6 1996 The ultimate hitchhiker's guide. Adams, Douglas, 1952- IN
Book PR6051.D3352L62 1982 Life, the universe, and everything. Adams, Douglas, 1952- IN
Book PR6051.D3352M7 1992 Mostly harmless. Adams, Douglas, 1952- IN
Book PR6051.M5W37 2001b The war against cliché : essays and reviews, 1971-2000. Amis, Martin. IN
Book PR6052.A57U58 1997 The untouchable : a novel. Banville, John. IN
Book PR6052.O9192B58 1995 The blue afternoon : a novel. Boyd, William, 1952- IN
Book PR6052.R785C13 2006 Calibre. Bruen, Ken IN
Book PR6052.U617B363 2005 Bangkok tattoo. Burdett, John IN
Book PR6053.H395U8 1988 Utz. Chatwin, Bruce, 1940-1989. IN
Book PR6053.O4225B6 2005 The boy I loved before. Colgan, Jenny. IN
Book PR6054.E96D43 1997 Death is now my neighbour : an Inspector Morse novel. Dexter, Colin. IN
Book PR6054.O89E96 1999 The exploits of Sherlock Holmes : a collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures based on unsolved cases from the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. Doyle, Adrian Conan. IN
Book PR6054.O795W43 2011 Whatever : a novel. Houellebecq, Michel. IN
Book PR6054.U56G36 1997 The game of kings. Dunnett, Dorothy. IN
Book PR6054.U45756B58 2003b The birth of Venus : a novel. Dunant, Sarah. IN
Book PR6055.R7M5 1994 Midnight is a lonely place. Erskine, Barbara. IN
Book PR6056.I86 1995 The blue flower. Fitzgerald, Penelope. IN
Book PR6056.I483A78 2001 All bones and lies. Fine, Anne. IN
Book PR6056.O45D36 1993 A dangerous fortune. Follett, Ken. IN
Book PR6056.O45E34 2015 Edge of eternity. Follett, Ken. IN
Book PR6056.O45P55 1989 Pillars of the earth. Follett, Ken. OUT
Book PR6056.O45P58 1995 A place called freedom. Follett, Ken. IN
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