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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DA470.S74 1993 A concise history of Britain, 1707-1975. Speck, W. A. (William Arthur), 1938- IN
Book DA485.B74 1997 The pleasures of the imagination : English culture in the eighteenth century. Brewer, John, 1947- IN
Book DA550.A69 2003 Victorian England. Ashby, Ruth. IN
Book DA556.H37 1985 Britain in transition : the twentieth century. Havighurst, Alfred F. IN
Book DA559.7.T87 2004 Independent radicalism in early Victorian Britain. Turner, Michael J. IN
Book DA563.4.J46 1997 Gladstone : a biography. Jenkins, Roy, 1920-2003. IN
Book DA564.B3B6 1967 Disraeli. Blake, Robert, 1916- IN
Book DA566.7.H67 1996 The House of Commons : seven hundred years of British tradition. IN
Book DA566.7.Q54 1981 The Anglo-American establishment. Quigley, Carroll IN
Book DA566.7.Y8 1997 Britain and the world in the twentieth century. Young, John W., 1957- IN
 3 DA566.9.C5C27 1995
Book DA566.9.C5H29 2006 Winston Churchill : British soldier, writer, statesman. Haugen, Brenda. IN
 2 DA566.9 .C5 J46 2002
 2 DA566.9.C5.R56 1992
Book DA585.A2C67 1996 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother at Clarence House. Cornforth, John, 1937- IN
Book DA589.4.B74 1996 British cultural studies : an introduction. Turner, Graeme. IN
Book DA589.4.B74 1997 British cultural identities. IN
Book DA590.J35 1992 Elizabeth R : the role of the monarchy today. Jay, Antony, 1930- IN
Book DA591.A45B82 2007 The Diana chronicles. Brown, Tina. IN
Book DA591.A45D533 1982 Princess. Lacey, Robert. IN
Book DA591.A45D5355 1998 Diana : the people's princess. Owen, Nicholas. IN
Book DA591.A45D53566 2000 The bodyguard's story : Diana, the crash, and the sole survivor. Rees-Jones, Trevor, 1968- IN
Book DA591.B56H46 2003 Tony Blair. Hinman, Bonnie. IN
Book DA591.W5L45 1988 The Wilson plot : how the spycatchers and their American allies tried to overthrow the British government. Leigh, David, 1946- IN
Book DA630 .W45 1996 The heart of England. Whiteman, Robin. IN
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