View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TN291.5.M33 1999
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.TK3231.S64 Specifications for the construction of "Majuro power plant", Ponape power plant, Yap power plant. IN
 3 Pac.TK3231.T35
Book Pac.TK3231.T43 Technical specifications for the construction of island power plant for Jaluit Jaluit, Marshall Islands. IN
 5 Pac.TK5102.3.O3L57 1983
 2 Pac.TK5102.3.P32P32 1986
Serial Pac.TK5102.8.P33P35 Pacific Telecommunications / Pacific Telecommunications Council. IN
Book Pac.TK5103.2.A853 1983 Seminar on network digitalization in Asia-Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 1-5 March, 1983. Asia-Pacific Telecommunity. IN
Book Pac.TK5104.2.P4 P22 1975 PEACESAT project networks : using satellite communication networks to improve social conditions. PEACESAT Project. IN
Book Pac.TK5105.G68 1984 Proceedings, Governor's Conference on Videotex, Transportation and Energy Conservation, Honolulu, Hawaii,January 21 to February 2, 1984. Governor's Conference on Videotex, Transportation, andEnergy Conservation (1984 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book Pac.TK5105.W34 1998 Recommendations for data entry using ProCite 3.4 : the SCAINIP standards for the development of bibliographic databases in the Pacific. Walton, Peter. IN
Book Pac.TK5223.A1S6 1994 Sixth Regional Telecommunications Committee Meeting : Forum Secretariat Headquarters, Suva, Fiji, 14 - 15 August 1995 : agreed record. South Pacific Forum. Regional Telecommunications Committee. Meeting (6th : 1994 : Suva, Fiji). IN
 3 Pac.TK6570.C5C57
Book Pac.TK6570.T76S2 Saipan/Guam troposcatter communications. IN
Book Pac.TK9006.P3 1994 Proceedings, 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia 1-6 May 1994 : "Nuclear energy, science & technology Pacific partnership". Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (9th : 1994 : Sydney, Australia) IN
Book Pac.TL124.P3P34 Yu na kar bilong yu = You and your vehicle. Papua New Guinea. Department of Information and Extension Services. IN
Book Pac.TL152.2.M53P75 2011 Pohnpei State use of government vehicles, audit report no. 005-12 : fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011. Office of the Public Auditor IN
 2 Pac.TL152.2.M537 2000
Book Pac.TL522.H3H6 Above the Pacific. Horvat, William Joseph. IN
 2 Pac.TL529.5.P3R35 1985
Book Pac.TL530.F4F45 Federated States of Micronesia airport system plan. Cress & Associates. IN
 20 Pac.TL540.E3A74 2001
Book Pac.TL540 L5A3 1970 The wartime journals of Charles A. Lindbergh. Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974. IN
Book Pac.TL546.G83 Guam Institute of Aviation Technology. IN
Book Pac.TL552.T78 1965 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands air services : passengers and freight tariff no.2 (cancels passengers and freight tariff no.2). IN
Book Pac. TL553.5.G6 1978 Clipper 806 : the anatomy of an air disaster. Godson, John. IN
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