View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HE9678.G85G8 1978
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac. HV1471 S33 I753 The elder Samoan. Ishikawa, Wesley H. IN
Book Pac. HV1491 M5 M3 Sociocultural and other characteristics relevant to provision of services to the elderly in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Caroline and Marshall Islands). Mason, Leonard, 1913- IN
 5 Pac.HV1493.M5M31
 2 Pac.HV1493 M5 M31
Book Pac. HV1493 P7 C3 Kolonia town's aged : a study of the aged in an expanding Pacific Island Urban Center. Caldwell, Michael F. IN
Book Pac.HV1559.O3M34 Synthesis of research on rehabilitation and disability releated issues in the Pacific. McFarlane, Fred IN
 2 Pac. HV1559 T7 T78 1977
Book Pac.HV1568.M5M31 1996 Manhihita humat'sa I telai : building bridges together : 1996 Annual Report. IN
Book Pac.HV1568.W67 2017 Rehabilitation and disability in the Western Pacific. World Health Organization IN
Book Pac.HV1568.2.H31 1986 Improving rehabilitation services for handicapped persons in the Pacific Basin: non-competitive continuation request cooperative agreement #G0084c001 for year 04 (March 1, 1987-February 28, 1988). Hawaii Rehabilitation Research and Training Program. IN
Book Pac.HV1568.2.R25 1984 Rehabilitation research and training center program for Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, and Micronesia, (October 1, 1984- February 28, 1985). IN
Book Pac.HV2475.A44 1995 American sign language I. American Samoa. Department of Education. IN
 2 Pac. HV3008 P3 T7 c.1
Book Pac. HV3008 P7 T7 Preliminary survey of Mental retardation in Ponape. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Health Services IN
 2 Pac. HV3008.T7M5
Book Pac.HV3023.A3G8 1995 Guam developmental dissabilities council : employment survey for persons with disabilities. IN
Book Pac.HV3024.M5F57 I live here and I am not handicapped, or cultural determinants of disabilities in Micronesia. Fischlowitz, Barbara P. IN
Book Pac.HV3024.O3H43 1987 Disability in the Pacific Islands. Heath, Jeff, 1955- IN
 2 Pac.HV3176.I53 1997
 2 Pac.HV3176.I58 no.104
 8 Pac.HV4007.H35 1983
 4 Pac. HV4007 P7 A1 c.4
 2 Pac.HV4999.Y68P5 1999
Book Pac.HV4999.2.A8S56 1997 The National Drug Strategy : mapping the future : an evaluation of the National Drug Strategy 1993-1997 : a report. Single, Eric IN
 2 Pac.HV4999.3.M625S1 2009
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