View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TN291.5.M33 1999
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.VG95J3T48
Book Pac.VK15.P4 1981 Romance of the sea. Parry, J. H. (John Horace), 1914- IN
Book Pac.VK120.P46 1973 Photographic documentation of a pre-operations survey : removal of hazardous materials from the Sankisan Maru in the Truk lagoon. IN
Book Pac.VK120.R46 1973 Removal of hazardous materials from the Sankisan Maru in the Truk lagoon : a final report. IN
Book Pac.VK123.M67 1975 The wind commands : sailors and sailing ships in the Pacific. Morton, Harry, 1925- IN
Book Pac.VK124.M37D47 1987 Navigational data for the Mariana Islands : developed according to information derived from the investigations carried out by the commandant of the French corvettes Uranie and Physicienne in 1819, to which unedited data from this office have been added. DepoÌsito HidrograÌfico de Madrid. IN
Book Pac.VK124.U55 1948 Navigational aids, Islands of the Trust Territories. United States. Commander Service Division. IN
 3 Pac.VK200.O64
Book Pac.VK221.C47 1997 Double ghosts : Oceanian voyages on Euroamerican ships. Chappell, David A., 1946- IN
Book Pac.VK369.B3 1990 Basic design study report on the Yap harbour extension project in the Federated States of Micronesia /. IN
Book Pac.VK369.D44 1969 Deep draft harbor facility feasibility study for Ponape, East Caroline Islands, of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. IN
 2 Pac.VK369.J63 1980
 3 Pac.VK369.L96 1975
Book Pac.VK369.3.B3 1990 Basic design study report on the Yap harbour extension project in the Federated States of Micronesia /. IN
 6 Pac.VK369.8.M5P66 1966
 3 Pac.VK371.R82
Book Pac.VK397.D313 1987 Loran-C secondary phase correction tables. United States. Defense Mapping Agency. Hydgographic/Topographic Center. IN
 5 Pac.VK537.T76 1977
Book Pac.VK541.A85 2004 Ninth meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji Islands, 17 and 18 May 2004). Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (9th : 2004 : Nadi, Fiji) IN
 5 Pac.VK541.A88 2003
Book Pac.VK541.I42 2005 Inaugural meeting of the Pacific women in Maritime Association (PacWIMA). Meeting of the Pacific Women in Maritime Association (PacWIMA) (1st: 2005: 21-24 February : Suva, Fiji Islands). IN
Book Pac VK541.R4 1998 Report of the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), Nadi, Fiji 9-11 February, 1998 /. IN
Serial Pac.VK541.R476S437 2002 Report. Secretariat of the Pacific Community. IN
Book Pac.VK541.T5 1998 Third Meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities Nadi, Fiji, 12 - 13 February, 1998. IN
Book Pac.VK541.W67 2001 Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Accident Investigation and Prosecution, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 6-10 November 2000. Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Accident Investigation and Prosecution (2000 : Nadi, Fiji Islands). IN
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