View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0207 Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book VerF.0396 Pac. A survey of the future tourist potential of the Pacific Trust Territory. Hemphill, R.W. IN
Book VerF.0396.1 Pac. Survey of tourist potential of the Pacific Trust Territory. Faris, James E. IN
Mixed VerF 0397 Pac. Truk high school graduates - 1976 : a comparison with graduates of 1966 and 1972. IN
Serial VerF.0398.01 Pac. Traditional resource management and the conservation of biological diversity on Pohnpei island, F.S.M. IN
Mixed VerF.0398.3 Pac. Statement of objectives and policies of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. IN
Mixed VerF 0399 Pac. E Mau - sailing the master home. IN
Mixed VerF 0400.89 Pac Sovereignty and independence in the contemporary Pacific. Firth, Stewart. IN
 2 VerF.0403 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0403.84 Pac Land tenure provisions of Pacific Island constitutions. Larmour, Peter. IN
Mixed VerF 0403.84 Pac. Land tenure provisions of Pacific Island constitutions. Larmour, Peter. IN
 2 VerF 0404 Pac.
 3 VerF.0405 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0406 Pac. The Cooperative situation in Ponape. IN
 3 VerF. 0407 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0408 Pac. The Balat fisheries of Maqueda Bay Samar, Philippines. Montilla, Jose R. IN
Book VerF.0409 Pac. Summary : recommendations for preventing transmission of infection with human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus in the workplace. OUT
Map VerF 0410 Pac. Kolonia Town Pohnpei, FSM, Map. Pacific Moon Publishing IN
Mixed VerF.0411 Pac. Micronesia goals of education. IN
Serial VerF.0412 Pac. Explanatory notes on the income tax bill, 1977. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Finance. IN
Mixed VerF.0413 Pac. Urban land problems in Micronesia, Kolonia Town, Ponape District. Rasa, Ponce IN
Mixed VerF. 0414 Pac. The Ubiquitous smope....: a Micronesian tradition. Huyong, T. IN
 2 VerF 0414.02b Pac.
Serial VerF 0414.02 Pac c.1 Rising son : Palau President Tommy Remengesau, Jr. learned early on the lesson of leadership / Giff Johnson; photos Floyd K. Takeuchi. IN
Serial VerF 0414.02 Pac c.2 Rising son : Palau President Tommy Remengesau, Jr. learned early on the lesson of leadership / Giff Johnson; photos Floyd K. Takeuchi. IN
Mixed VerF.0414.30 Pac. Kayaking. IN
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