View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CRC QA152.2.A44se 1996 Gr.8-10
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book CRC PZ8.1.H157 1993 Why snails have shells : minority and Han folk tales from China. Han, Carolyn, 1941- IN
 2 CRC PZ8.1.H854 2007
 2 CRC PZ8.1.I3 1991
Book CRC PZ8.1.M159 2009 Pig-boy : a trickster tale from Hawaii. McDermott, Gerald IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.N61 2009 The beckoning cat : based on a Japanese folktale. Nishizuka, Koko. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.P5713 2003 Pocahontas. Becker, Sandra. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.P8587 1999 How the rooster got his crown. Poole, Amy Lowry. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.R65 2000 Filipino children's favorite stories. Romulo, Liana. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.Y84 1989 Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China. Young, Ed. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.Y815 Mi 2003 Mightier than the sword : world folktales for strong boys. Yolen, Jane. IN
Book CRC PZ8.1.Z45 1998 The ballad of Mulan. Zhang, Song Nan, 1942- IN
 3 CRC.PZ8.2.H35 2000
Book CRC PZ8.2.H71 1990 The story of the Hare and the Tortoise and other tales. Holeinone, Peter. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.A2 2012 I love my daddy. Andreae, Giles, 1966- IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.A123 1981 Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale. Aardema, Verna. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.B17 2010 LMNO peas. Baker, Keith, 1953- IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.B44 1989 Wee sing fun ’n´folk. Beall, Pamela Conn. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.B82P13 The pied piper of Hamelin. Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.B86 2011 Camilla, the Cupcake Fairy. Bugbird, Tim. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.B188D5 1991 Disney's Beauty and the Beast. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.C37 1990 It's about time, Jesse Bear, and other rhymes. Carlstrom, Nancy White. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.D51 2011 Llama Llama home with Mama. Dewdney, Anna. IN
Book CRC PZ8.3.D597 1975 Din dan don, it's Christmas. Domaska, Janina IN
 2 CRC PZ8.3.E3h 2000
Book CRC PZ8.3.F959 1994 Funny songs. IN
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