View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HV6453.J33Y355 1986
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book JZ4841.W54 2013 The role of American NGOs in China's modernization : invited influence. Wheeler, Norton, 1948- IN
Book JZ4850.D63 2004 How to lobby at intergovernmental meetings : mine's a caffe latte. Dodds, Felix. IN
Book JZ4984.5.F88 1998 The future of the United Nations system : potential for the twenty-first century. IN
Book JZ5535.L462 2001 Peace : the imagined meadow's actual resource. Lehmann, Heinz Ernst. IN
Book JZ5538.M36 2001 Wilson's ghost : reducing the risk of conflict, killing, and catastrophe in the 21st century. McNamara, Robert S., 1916- IN
Book JZ5645.S62 1999 no. 28 Small arms : reports of the Secretary-General. IN
Book JZ5645.T46 2012 The myth about global civil society : domestic politics to ban landmines. Tepe, Daniela. IN
Book K1066.E3 1982 Emerging financial centers : legal and institutional framework : Bahamas, Hong Kong, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kuwait, Panama, Singapore. IN
 3 K1070.A55 1998
Book K1401.J645 2009 Piracy : the intellectual property wars from Gutenberg to Gates. Johns, Adrian. IN
Book K1401.M38 2011 Intellectual property, human rights and development : the role of NGOs and social movements. Matthews, Duncan, 1965- IN
Book K1403.T67 2004 Trade-Related Agenda, Development and Equity (T.R.A.D.E) : Update on international development relating to the intellectual property protections of traditional knowledge, including traditional medicine. IN
Book K1411.6.B75 1986 The law of international copyright : with special sections on the colonies and the United States of America. Briggs, William, 1861-1932. IN
Book K1420.5.Q47 1996 The question of copyright : a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world ... IN
Book K1501.T67 2004 Trade-Related Agenda, Development and Equity (T.R.A.D.E) : the WIPO draft substantive patent law treaty: a review of selected provisions. IN
Book K213.T54 1999 Legal language. Tiersma, Peter Meijes. IN
Book K230.D9L39 1986 Law's empire. Dworkin, R. M. IN
Book K235.N21 1966 The nature of law : readings in legal philosophy. IN
Book K2390.I58 2004 Intercultural dispute resolution in aboriginal contexts. IN
Book K3157.E5M33 1995 Constitution of the world. Maddex, Robert L. IN
Book K3230.R45 H36 2011 Handbook and guidelines on procedures and criteria for determining refugee status : under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the status of refugees. OUT
Book K3240.4.D84 1983 European human rights convention in domestic law : a comparative study. Drzemczewski, Andrew Z. IN
 3 K3240.4.F74
Book K3240.4.M87 1979 The United States, the United Nations, and human rights : the Eleanor Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter eras. Mower, A. Glenn (Alfred Glenn) IN
Book K3240.4.R6 1996 Human rights in the world : an introduction to the study of the international protection of human rights. Robertson, A. H. (Arthur Henry), 1913- IN
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