View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HE9678.G85G8 2007
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HE9898.P7K78 1990 Preliminary transportation study of Kolonia, Pohnpei, F.S.M. Krutsinger, David. IN
Book Pac.HE9898.T74 1978 Multi-modal transportation program. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of planning and statistics. IN
 5 Pac.HF283.O25 S68a 1989
Serial Pac.HF294.P387a Overseas trade statistics. Papua New Guinea. Bureau of Statistics. IN
Book Pac.HF296.A29J36 1976 Japan-Hawaii Economic Council : proceedings of the 5th general meeting, September 23-27, 1976, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii. Japan-Hawaii Economic Council. IN
Language Pac.HF296.A77P11 The articles of incorporation and by-laws of Palau Conservation Society. Palau Conservation Society IN
 2 Pac.HF296.M26P75 2008
 2 Pac.HF296.P7K44 1998
Book Pac.HF352.B44 1965 Traditional exchange and modern markets. Belshaw, Cyril S. IN
Book Pac.HF560.P7P64 1999 Pohnpei Port Authority : 1999 annual report. Pohnpei Port Authority IN
Book Pac.HF563.O3R33 1984 Shipping database report. IN
Book Pac.HF566.F7I58 Interisland passenger/cargo ship for use in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a proposal to provide design services in support of the director, transportation and communications office of the High Commissioner. IN
Book Pac.HF566.P33 1976 Economic, production, marine resources and agriculture development loan funds : accountants' report financial statements for the fifteen month period ended September 30, 1976. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). IN
Book Pac.HF566.7.P33 1983 Financial audit for the period commencing October 1, 1981 and ending September 30, 1982. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. IN
Book Pac.HF566.7.T78 1979 1978-79 interim performance report headquarters bilingual education program. Trust Territory Bilingual Program Coordinator. IN
 2 Pac.HF667.6.R47
Book Pac.HF667.6.R476 Report of audit economic development loan funds Trust Territory - wide. IN
 4 Pac.HF1044.P13 O84 1977
 3 Pac.HF1044.P16B37 1976
Book Pac.HF1054.P13R38 1978 Raw materials and Pacific economic integration. IN
 3 Pac.HF1351.B46 1994
Book Pac.HF1379.E97 1994 Exports by type and destination in U.S. dollars, FSM and each state, 1990-1994 : chapter B: Exports. IN
Book Pac.HF1401.J83 1976 An examination of the feasibility of collective or bulk purchasing for SPEC island member countries : report. Juchem, J. H. van. IN
Book Pac.HF1411.E34 2000 Eight Taiwan/Republic of China-forum countries dialogue, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati, 1 November 2000 : summary record. IN
Book Pac.HF1411.E252 Economic interaction in the Pacific Basin. IN
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