View previous page View next page Call Number Search: E873.B75 1998
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book E98.S94B78 1993 The native American sweat lodge : history and legends. Bruchac, Joseph, 1942- IN
Book E98.T6C45 2012 Path of the sacred pipe : journey of love, power, and healing. Cleve, Jay. IN
Book E99.03.B48 2000 Black Elk speaks : being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux. Black Elk, 1863-1950. IN
Book E99.A6B229 1999 Portraits of "The Whiteman" : linguistic play and cultural symbols among the western Apache. Basso, Keith H., 1940- IN
Book E99.A6B2295 2008 Portraits of "The Whiteman" : linguistic play and cultural symbols among the western Apache. Basso, Keith H., 1940-2013. OUT
Book E99.A6C7 1991 Life among the Apaches. Cremony, John Carey, 1815-1879. OUT
Book E99.A6C46 1969 Apache odyssey : a journey between two worlds. Opler, Morris E. IN
Book E99.A6G324 1976 Geronimo : the man, his time, his place. Debo, Angie, 1890- IN
Book E99.A16L496 1984 Lucy M. Lewis, American Indian potter. Peterson, Susan (Susan Harnly) IN
Book E99.A86B76 2000 Words in the wilderness : critical literacy in the borderlands. Brown, Stephen Gilbert. IN
Book E99.A86C19 1978 Nulato : an Indian life on the Yukon. Carlo, Poldine, 1920- IN
Book E99.A86V36 1974 Athapaskan adaptations: hunters and fishermen of the subarctic forests. VanStone, James W. IN
Book E99.C5P41 2007 The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears. Perdue, Theda. IN
Book E99.C6W8 1995 We have the right to exist : a translation of a aboriginal indegenous thought. Wub-e-ke-niew. IN
Book E99.C53H67 1960 The Cheyennes : Indians of the Great Plains. Hoebel, E. Adamson (Edward Adamson), 1906- IN
Book E99.C88A55 1989 Windhorse woman : a marriage of spirit. Andrews, Lynn V. IN
Book E99.D1S625 1993 The lance and the shield : the life and times of Sitting Bull. Utley, Robert Marshall, 1929- IN
Book E99.E7C36 1966 The Eskimo of North Alaska. Chance, Norman A. (Norman Allee), 1927- IN
Book E99.E7E75 1978 Eskimos of northwestern Alaska : a biological perspective. IN
Book E99.E7F7 1961 Peter Freuchen's book of the Eskimos. Freuchen, Peter, 1886-1957. IN
Book E99.E7J59 2002 Faith, food, and family in a Yupik whaling community. Jolles, Carol Zane. IN
Book E99.E7M545 1977 Eskimos : growing up in a changing culture. Meyer, Carolyn. IN
Book E99.E7N4 1983 The Eskimo about Bering Strait. Nelson, Edward William, 1855-1934. IN
Book E99.H9T77 1960 The Huron : farmers of the North. Trigger, Bruce G. IN
Book E99.P9D77 1970 The Pueblo Indians of North America. Dozier, Edward P. IN
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